Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 039 (Or: My Brother, the winner. And goodwill!)

Jordan murdered it at the race tonight, dude. He stayed with the pack the entire time, and finished in a cool, cool 4th place! He's one of the youngest guys out there, a newbie on the scene, and of like 20ish guys racing, he got in fourth. We were super pumped for him. Of course the first thing he says when we saw him afterwards was "I feel like I can win it." haha. That's my brother :P No but seriously, I was so proud of him, as he kept gaining ground during the race, moving further and further up. It was a lot of fun. :D Can't wait to see the rest of the races this summer.

Afterwards, Kelli and I went to Goodwill just to see what was to be seen. We found all kinds of plates and stuff that were cool and cheap, haha. We even found the same set of china (albeit, not the ENTIRE set) that we registered for at Bed Bath and Beyond, haha. So we got that, and I found a big record player speaker for 5 bucks. So hopefully it works? haha. We'll see when I get home. We had a lot of fun looking at stuff for the new place. Kelli especially. :P Her face was lit up the entire time. Cute, it was. Anyways, so we found out that Goodwill takes on a whole new life when you're trying to set up a fiscally responsible home, haha.

So that was about it for today. Super pumped for my little brother. :D


  1. You guys should go to Goodwill the first Saturday of the month. Everything in the store is 50% off. Just sayin.... :) I'm so happy for you two starting your new life together!

  2. exciting exciting!

    How quick is Jordano's mile?

    and yeah, thrift stores are fantastic... I wish you could register for gifts at 'em. haha.

  3. miss lisa- yeah i always forget about that! i'm sure kelli and i will make a point of doing that before too long, haha :P

    adam- y'know, i couldn't tell you how quick his mile is :/ but he's been biking like 50-75 miles a dayish for months now. he's nuts, haha. his legs are so big and toned, it's unbelievable.
