Friday, June 11, 2010


When I got home from the radio station last night, I found the front yard in a shambles. Guys were chainsawing wood everywhere. Wood logs everywhere. A big NES vehicle was here and a guy was on the pole working on the power lines in front of our house. So Jordan and I just parked on the roof and watched everything happen. It was nice. I was ready for the weekend.

AH but it was only Thursday. So one more work day tonight! And today was nuts. Ok ok so without going into all the boring details, essentially we're having an issue with switches to satellites, and the simplest way to fix that right now is to just simple run our satellite switches from our OLD system. So I set up so many logs today, haha. On the new system and the other one, so that it'd run on its own for the weekend. So yeah. From 9 to 5 today, I didn't really stop at all. In fact, I was even there just a little bit late getting everything done. END OF STORY RIGHT? Wrong. About an hour later I remembered that I'd forgotten to sync the two system clocks. IMPORTANT. So thankfully Kelli and I had just left her house for Madison and were able to quickly turn around and get to the station so I could get that figured out. END OF STORY RIGHT? Wrong again.

I didn't get to see the station do a satellite switch til 10:30 that night at the Feeners, and it was like...a minute off. BAD. But by that point, I had to wait til we went to our NEXT satellite switch before I could drive over and fix it. So I hung out at the Feeners til midnight, when we go to our next switch, and then went back over to work oooonnneee last time, and got it taken care of. END OF STORY RIGHT? Yes. (At least I hope so)

TMI: Too much information. But seriously that was my day. Somewhere in the middle, we did actually get to Madison, and go out to dinner with Barry, Emily, and Jared. It was a good time :D. I hadn't seen Barry or Jared in a long time. Those backstabbers leaving town....don't they know they're essentially my only close guys friends in this town anymore... So anyways, that was fun.

Ahhh and somewhere in the middle of it all (I think around the time I was waiting for midnight to roll around so I could go back to the station :P), Kelli and I got to just bum around and chat. It'd been a few days since we got to do that. I can't get enough of it. Legitimately my favorite thing in the entire world.

Oh...and apparently Ryan Adams has pressed "Blackhole" and "Cardinals III/IV" on vinyl.... oh my Lord................. dreams come true. If he starts making music for real again..... dreams.

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