Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day 021 (Or: The Broken Swing and My Childhood)

Today at Katie Musgrove's birthday party, some kids broke this swing set thing that's been in their backyard since I was like three years old. I'm not going to lie, it was kind of a thing. Bethany suggested we bury it, and I actually thought about it before realizing that A) It was probably too big and B) She was kidding. But seriously next time you and your friends decide to just apply all of your weight to stuff, think about how that's probably a crappy idea.

It's pretty nuts that Katie's growing up. I'm really proud of her. I don't think she reads this, and I didn't really get to talk to her much today, but if you know her, let her know that I think she's growing up to be a lovely, and God-fearing woman.

No one was at the Feener's today, so Kelli and I just kinda drooove around. We went to Cedars of Lebanon and I totally owned Stephanie Carmack. Then we went to the post office and MAILED OUR INVITATIONS BOOOOOYAAAAHHHH.

Then we went to the aforementioned b-day party. OH AND we went to the library and got Kelli a library card. Did you know she hasn't had one since she was like thirteen years old?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Glad I found that out....consider it RECTIFIED.

Blah blah blah aren't details fun? Why are you reading this? I went for a jog today, and whilst I jogged, I think I figured out the point of LOST. My interpretation, anyway. Awesome. Maybe once I've slept on it one night, I'll share it on here. I think it's solid.

We just watched "Not Quite Human" does anyone remember that movie?!?!?! omg.

Three day weekend. I woke up with a smile on my face.

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