Still a day behind, due to no internet.
I don't know how people who live alone do it. It makes no sense to me. When God says "It is not good that man should be alone" He's exactly right. It's just weird being in that house all by myself. I'm going home for the weekend.
But I'm sleeping fine there, my alarm had to wake me up yesterday morning. I was going to go with AT&T for internet, but I canceled it because Comcast ended up being a better deal. I kind of hate that, but it's real life. So I signed up for that yesterday and should have it hooked up by Wednesday.
After work, I went to the movies with Kelli and Alex. We saw Despicable Me which wasn't as good as I was expecting, but it wasn't bad. It was a cute movie. Then we went to Kroger and got some food, and came home and ate it. And then we just laid around and hung out until like midnight, talking. I'm ready to be married.
Time feels like it's slowed down since I moved into that house by myself. But as long as I don't have to be out this way in the morning, I'm going home for the weekend, so I feel like I'm some place populated, haha. And I miss my family. I'm happy to be so tight knit with them.
So that was yesterday.
Dude I was like cool than I was all sad then I just quit pretending to be in emotional termoil and decided to post this commen.... Well than................Bye