No, it is not. You can prepare your mind for the fact that weddings are stressful. You can say you're aware that it's going to be stressful, and hope that that makes it less tolerable when it inevitably is stressful. But the reality is, you really can't have any idea about wedding planning until you're actually in the midst of it. The fact that "the wedding is happening no matter how much is planned by that date" is equal parts reassuring and exasperating, haha.
But I was thinking about it on the way home tonight, and the fact is that its a wonderful thing that planning a wedding stretches you so thin. It's good practice for married life. It tests your resolve, because there are points when neither of you want to do anything more and everything is overwhelming and there seems to be no end in sight. Those are moments ripe for the "living sacrifice" that I talked about yesterday.
The Good Lord is pounding into my head this week that the stresses in life are the things that bring us closer to Him. As my dad always likes to say: "I love my problems." So true.
Yes, this wedding is taking its toll. But thank God it is!
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