I've been telling Kelli forever that I'd love to buy her darkroom equipment at some point so that she could have a set up wherever we lived that she could use to develop her own film and do her own prints. She enjoys that 100 times more than just dropping off a roll at Wolf. We assumed it'd be extremely pricey and something we'd budget for and maybe somewhere down the line have the money for. Well, she finally started researching it today, and it turns out it was extremely affordable. She found a girl on craigslist who was selling the whole kit and kaboodle, man. Chemicals, enlarger, pans, canister... I'm not as well versed as Kelli is in the art but it was literally everything you needed for the whole process, just like we used to back in Kelli's Lipscomb days and those nights in the darkroom basement. I mean a ton of stuff. And this girl was moving and had to get rid of it all. We met up with her at the 100 Oaks Wendy's, and for a few hundred dollars, we've got a whole set up. We are hoping to convert our bedroom's walk in closet into a dark room space. We'll see! Anyways, I was super excited about that for Kelli.
Other than that, we hung out at my family's house, and chatted with dad and mom about moving plans, and money stuff, and life after marriage... figuring out what we'll be able to afford and whatnot. My parents are incredibly generous, man. We're very, very thankful for them. They're taking some of the edge off while Kelli and I figure out what kinds of foods to populate our home with. The kind of food that Kelli (and honestly, me too) needs to be eating, which is an incredible relief to me. So, very thankful for them.
I'd forgotten that our back door at the town house is actually locked shut in a way that we can't open it yet, haha. Our landlord is trying to get it fixed, but until then, because of the awkward angle our front door is at, we can't really move big furniture into the place. So... instead of the big couch, we're just going to move smaller stuff in tomorrow. I may still try to squeeze that sucker through the front door, but I haven't much faith.
OH DUDE I finally got a couple of Thursday CDs after all of these years. So pumped. So good.
I have to wait to see Inception til Monday because we can't get in free to the theater until after opening weekend HHHHHHHH I mean it's a small price to pay, I'm just like UGH I keep hearing how good it is STOP PEOPLE.
Yep, so moving stuff in tomorrow. We're gonna go to Sam's Club and look for a matress too. Yeah! Also a computer desk. And maybe I'll get to show Kelli how to use Corel Draw. So that's tomorrow. Today was good. Excited to get to try out that darkroom stuff we bought today, at some point.
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