Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 062 (Or: Painting, Cheating, Insomnia, etc)

Had another meeting for the kids show we're working on at work today. It was fun. Decided on a title and brainstormed ideas. I enjoy the people I work with. You'd be surprised how many people at the Christian Television Network are under 30, haha. We're a revolution.

Then after work, went by the town house where Mr. Stan was EXPERTLY painting the entire place for us :D THANK YOU, MR. STAN. The colors we picked out look fantastic. Today was the first time we just went over there without it being any sort of business transaction, so it was fun. It's just an exciting time right now, moving out and getting a place we're going to call home. I know the luster of having your own place to call home wears off with time, but for now, I can't get enough of Kelli's face everytime we start talking about "our" place. She's so excited she can't contain it. I love it.

Ok ok so today was unprecdented because it was the first (And I pray the only) time I cheated at a Metroid game. I just don't have the time I did when I was 15. So we're impossibly stuck on Prime 2. So we just had to look up where the last temple key was that we couldn't find because we had searched everywhere. Of course it was RIGHT THERE in a room I'd explored a few times. Ugh. It was kind of dumb that I had to look it up. But...I want to beat it before we get married. So. There. I confess. I cheated at a video game.... but it was so good getting that key. So good.

AND THEN in honor of the fact that INCEPTION comes out a week from today, we watched the only Christopher Nolan movie Kelli hadn't seen...the mighty INSOMNIA be still my heart. So good... man, if I had to make a list of my favorite movies of his (and know this doubles as a partial list of my favorite films of all time) it's be:

6. Following
5. Insomnia
4. Batman Begins
3. The Prestige
2. The Dark Knight
1. Memento

How could one guy possibly make all of those incredible movies? And why am I still holding out hope that Shyamalan's Devil will even be remotely good?

WELL we're figuring out what I'm wearing for the wedding tomorrow........ I LOVE SHOPPING FOR CLOTHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You are totally being sarcastic about loving to shop for clothes. OR Kelli has changed that about you. If so, score for Kelli!!!
