Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 052 (Or: An Evening at the Willis Household)

Miss Amber Willis has been SO HELPFUL so far with the wedding. Seriously. She's taken such a load off of Kelli especially. I'm so thankful for her friendship. Kelli and I went over to their house and Miss Amber and Mr. Allen made us and Eric dinner. DELICIOUS! Then we talked wedding stuff for like 3 hours or something, hahaha. Got lots figured out. It was very good. Looks like we're in full wedding mode for real, now. And it was fun to be planning the wedding in a house I grew up in. Ethan and Eric Willis have been such good friends throughout the short duration of my life so far.

Then Kelli and I came back to my family's house and spent what little time we had left of the evening just goofing off. Freakin n u t s we had fun haha. I'm pumped that I get to marry my best friend.

Oh boy, so tomorrow the lady will be officially out of the town house we're moving into. That means I should be in there in the next 3-4 weeks, I'm guessing. Oh man. Changes.



  1. I don't really have anything to add... but I don't want to give up my status as your lone commentor.

    so I'll just say:

