Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 048 (Or: You know how Fridays go)

They are usually just preludes to Saturday :) THAT'S when the weekend really starts.

I haven't done much tonight. I exercised moreso than usual. That felt good. My family got me a jump rope for my bday, so I used that. It was fun.

Kelli's working. So. I'm just chilling. A nice quiet evening with the family. I'm going to miss living with them. A lot. But I mean. The trade off is more than worth it :). I'm ready for that townhouse with my wife.

Speaking of, I'm still waiting to hear about what's going on with it, for those that have wondered/asked exactly when I'm moving in. I have no idea yet. At this point, it's just antsy impatience. The longer I don't move in, the easier it is on my wallet, haha. So it's really a blessing. Kelli and I are just getting tired of just turning off Lebanon Road just to drive past it- we're ready for me to move in! :)

OH YEAH and this could potentially by the best thing ever but it could also hover somewhere near the worst hahahah. So uh we'll see.

That Five Iron Frenzy Documentary is like nearly three and a half hours long dude. I'm about an hour into it. It's really interesting so far.

Aaaaand the Wii is at the Feener's. So there's that.

I feel like all I do is stare at television and computers screens all day. I want to live in a small cottage out in the middle of nowhere.

OH YEAH I printed out a list of every single episode of Adventures in Odyssey so I could mark off all the ones I have...I'm just over half way to having them ALL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's for the children.... and me.


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