I have the prettiest sister :) I found these online when I got home tonight. They are courtesy Salt and Honey Images, who were kind enough to do Kelli's and my engagement pictures.

So apparently not only is the Feener's Gamecube glitchy/broken, it's also in Murfreesboro. NICE. I was pumped to play Metroid all day, haha. Oh well. Work today was great. I'm excited to not have a 30ish minute drive to work. The drive will be cut in half when I'm at the town house :D. I have a countdown til the wedding on the marker board in my office, but I don't ever get to update the number. Someone else gets to it before I can, haha. I like the people at work.
Kelli was in wedding planning mode today. She and her mom went to Cedars of Lebanon to figure stuff out today. So by the time they got home, and I got off work, she had "the list" we made the other night in front of her, and we talked wedding specifics most of the rest of the night. We took short reprieves to eat popsicles, MURDER OURSELVES, and goof off in general. But mostly wedding stuff tonight :P. Still lots to do.
Today's recommended listening is twothirtyeight Regulate the Chemicals. I'm jamming to it right now.

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