My first act in this post-invitations world was to put down a deposit on a nice little cabin in Gatlinburg for our honeymoon. We can't wait to get away.

It ended up being cheaper than I expected it was going to be, to boot. So we're exciting. Kelli even said we could go to Dollywood so I could ride rollercoasters. I guess we'll have to see how that pans out, but it's the thought that counts.
How am I getting married thirteen weeks from today? And I won't even be living in this house of my childhood in three weeks. And yet I'm completely at peace right now. Life is just quiet and normal. I still haven't quite figured that out. It feels like this calm before the storm, even though that's not the best phrase to use, what with the negative connotations associated with the word "storm," haha. But. You know what I mean.
In other news, Hannah Bates +Me + Feener family went and greeted Joshie Feener at the airport. I'm looking forward to hearing all about his trip to the sports camp in Colorado. From what I hear, some Gators were there SWEET.
Alex Feener got me back on ChaCha today. I don't know if I'll really use it much, but I figure once we're married, between Kelli and myself, we can earn some date night money or something, haha.
I'm selling a sealed Relient K mmhmm vinyl, if anyone is interested. That As Tall as Lions vinyl ends tomorrow, also.
Weekly weigh-in: 156 pounds. :)
Weekly weigh-in: 156 pounds. :)
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