This week has been kinda rough from a food standpoint. I've been trying to eat three very square meals a day. No snacking, no sweets, etc. So I can get some of this weight off. I really just want a pizza. Maybe I can go get one of the Kashi pizzas and just eat half of it or something. I feel pretty pathetic. But the beginning is always the worst part of trying to get my weight back to normal. I'm just hungry all the time.
We registered at Bed, Bath, and Beyond tonight! Which was really fun. That place has some neat stuff. I like random inventions. People are creative, man. But anyways, yeah we had fun! So we're completely registered now. I'm excited :) Finding stuff for our eventual home is a blast, haha. Scanning random stuff that isn't really necessary but looks fun is also a blast, hahaha.
Ahh so, after we did that, we went back to her house, where we were going to watch ANTM and Community, but instead just chatted for a few hours. Until it started getting late :/ Then I headed home. I could talk to Kelli Feener forever, I'm pretty sure. She's the best friend I've ever had. I'm glad I get to marry her.
Ahhh so that was about it. I've been waking up the last couple of mornings and doing a quick mile around the neighborhood. I'm so out of shape that I end up walking some of it, because I don't feel like completely wearing myself out in the morning. I just want to get my heart pumping and my body burning calories, haha. C'MON WEIGHT.
Okay, that's it. Oh! And in what is apparently NOT a reference to LOST, Kelli decided to write a blog, and name it The Other 112 Days. So I suggest going and reading it. That's what I'm about to do.
Ahahaha that's really ironic that you chose to introduce my blog in that way, considering how today's post begins.