Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 023 (Or: What If God Designed Marriage to Make Us Holy More than to Make Us Happy?)

I had part of a post written detailing a lot of what's in this book I recently got ahold of called Sacred Marriage: What If God Meant Marriage to Make Us Holy More than to Make Us Happy? I included a quote and stuff. But it's not really something I can explain on here so HERE ARE YOUR OPTIONS. Either find a copy of it and read it (Or borrow mine) or you can just ask me about it and we can talk. It's a really good book, and it's on my mind today.

I love it because it doesn't hide behind any pretenses. The title is make-or-break from the start, and the wisdom found in it's pages are practical and eternal. Anyone who knows me knows that I don't really recommend books much, but. If you're married, or especially if you're thinking about getting married... I strongly suggest you read this book.

It's my day off. We're just chilling and listening to music today. And talking about wedding stuff. It's been really, really pleasant.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 022 (Or: In a Post-Invitation World)

With invitations sent off, it's like sitting back and saying "Wooow, this is really happening." Which is an amazing feeling, and then there's this overwhelming sense of "well if that's true, we need to buckle down and start getting everything done." I don't know how else to explain that. Something about mailing invitations just makes the whole thing real.

My first act in this post-invitations world was to put down a deposit on a nice little cabin in Gatlinburg for our honeymoon. We can't wait to get away.

It ended up being cheaper than I expected it was going to be, to boot. So we're exciting. Kelli even said we could go to Dollywood so I could ride rollercoasters. I guess we'll have to see how that pans out, but it's the thought that counts.

How am I getting married thirteen weeks from today? And I won't even be living in this house of my childhood in three weeks. And yet I'm completely at peace right now. Life is just quiet and normal. I still haven't quite figured that out. It feels like this calm before the storm, even though that's not the best phrase to use, what with the negative connotations associated with the word "storm," haha. But. You know what I mean.

In other news, Hannah Bates +Me + Feener family went and greeted Joshie Feener at the airport. I'm looking forward to hearing all about his trip to the sports camp in Colorado. From what I hear, some Gators were there SWEET.

Alex Feener got me back on ChaCha today. I don't know if I'll really use it much, but I figure once we're married, between Kelli and myself, we can earn some date night money or something, haha.

I'm selling a sealed Relient K mmhmm vinyl, if anyone is interested. That As Tall as Lions vinyl ends tomorrow, also.

Weekly weigh-in: 156 pounds. :)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day 021 (Or: The Broken Swing and My Childhood)

Today at Katie Musgrove's birthday party, some kids broke this swing set thing that's been in their backyard since I was like three years old. I'm not going to lie, it was kind of a thing. Bethany suggested we bury it, and I actually thought about it before realizing that A) It was probably too big and B) She was kidding. But seriously next time you and your friends decide to just apply all of your weight to stuff, think about how that's probably a crappy idea.

It's pretty nuts that Katie's growing up. I'm really proud of her. I don't think she reads this, and I didn't really get to talk to her much today, but if you know her, let her know that I think she's growing up to be a lovely, and God-fearing woman.

No one was at the Feener's today, so Kelli and I just kinda drooove around. We went to Cedars of Lebanon and I totally owned Stephanie Carmack. Then we went to the post office and MAILED OUR INVITATIONS BOOOOOYAAAAHHHH.

Then we went to the aforementioned b-day party. OH AND we went to the library and got Kelli a library card. Did you know she hasn't had one since she was like thirteen years old?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Glad I found that out....consider it RECTIFIED.

Blah blah blah aren't details fun? Why are you reading this? I went for a jog today, and whilst I jogged, I think I figured out the point of LOST. My interpretation, anyway. Awesome. Maybe once I've slept on it one night, I'll share it on here. I think it's solid.

We just watched "Not Quite Human" does anyone remember that movie?!?!?! omg.

Three day weekend. I woke up with a smile on my face.

Friday, May 28, 2010


I get my first three day weekend since I started working at CTN. Also my first day off (minus weekends...) since December. So I'm really pumped. I love my job. Love it. But a three day weekend sounds heavenly.

Got stamps and stuck 'em on all the invites. COMING SOON TO A MAILBOX NEAR YOU. :) Looks like we'll get them mailed off before Monday, after all!

I told Kelli I wanted to get the invitations sent off before we started figuring out specifics for the honeymoon. Juuust to make sure the wedding date we were planning on was the official one before we booked anything. She may have jumped the gun a little last night by pulling out the laptop and searching cabin information in Gatlinburg RIGHT after we sealed the final envelope, but I forgave her. I was pretty excited to research our options too. We're both ready to get away for a week.

I went over to the Musgrove's after work. I've told Kelli in the past to make sure I go over and spend some time with them more often than I do. Not everyone has the benefit of true life long friends, and I really love getting to spend time with those people. I've been enjoying just driving over there sometimes just to say hi. They usually feed me dinner, anyway :P

Man so I think I'm gonna play some Metroid and then go to sleep. Or maybe just the latter... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 019 (Or: Waiting, Waiting, Waiting...)

Three things for your entertainment:

1) Confused by the LOST finale? Thanks to whoever provided this simple explanation.

2) Dad linked me to this today. It reminded me of an old, never-realized video project with my buddy Adam Brewster. Miss you man.

3) AND if this doesn't solidify "Community" as the funniest show on TV...well... (It's just a clip, I promise.)

Kelli's coming over once she gets done hanging out with the girls. I wish she'd HURRY UP so I could show her the invitation stuff I've been working on. Looks like we might get this stuff done tonight, yet. I'm getting antsy.... haha.

I'm ready to get married, dude. Moving out three weeks from

Okay I'm going for a run while I still have the sun.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 018 (Or: Bikes and Invites)

My little bro is a champ. He got a weird, sudden cold, and his first bike race in front of LP Field was tonight... but he raced anyway. Granted, he wasn't 100%, but he fought like a trooper. I wasproud of him. I love going to watching him race.

Anyways, now we're back at the Feener's just addressing, addressing, addressing.

We're getting really close. I'd like to say we'll have the majority of them done and sent off on Friday. But realistically, it'll probably be Monday.

That's about it for today. Really proud of my brother and super loving how many evenings lately I've gotten to spend with my Kelli. We're getting a lot done and I'm super proud of us. We've done most of this wedding stuff on our own so far. I think we're doing well.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 017 (Or: I can't think of an or.)

I shouldn't have used that one so early on in this blog........ but I'm going to bed, so.

Nothing really to report today. The new system at work is going A-OK. Now, the biggest question is...will we be able to set up far enough in advance so that I can get my first day off since December?!!?! Maybe. Maybe not. It's okay. I enjoy the extra pay. But a day off would be cool too.

Then I went to the Feener's, and Kelli and I worked some on our invitations. Then went to Fulins. Then went back to their house and played Mastermind and watched This American Life. Eventually I went home.

Good day.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 016 (Or: Everything Starts Where It Ends)

I was listening to that Lovedrug song yesterday. (Also, WIN for rediscovering my love for them. The first couple of CDs, at least.) And The song has such significance to me no matter where I happen to be in my life. When it first released and I listened to that CD over and over again, Kelli and I had just begun the process of becoming good friends, after a lot of circumstances and events had essentially ended our friendship not too long before.

Now, it has significance for a lot of different reasons, for me. I will end my time at home with my family in less than a month, to begin a new life in Mt. Juliet, eventually leading to marriage.

And, somewhat abstractly or maybe literally(?)... it was fitting yesterday, because it was the day LOST was ending. You could say that's significant because it's ending marked the beginning of this firestorm of debate regarding whether LOST was the most brilliant character study in television history, or just drivel that pretended to have mythological significance for six years. But I saw it differently. For me, LOST was a big part of the reason Kelli and I became friends again. Just because it was a lot easier to say "Hey, LOST is tomorrow. You comin' over?" than to say "Hey, I'm starting to like you again and I think I never actually stopped liking you but now you're becoming my best friend and that sort of scares me a lot so uh...wanna come over? We could watch TV." haha. Not to belittle LOST at all. We're both devoted, possibly to a fault, haha. It was just the perfect excuse at the perfect time, as it turned out.

Anyways, so it's just fitting that as it finally comes to an end, Kelli and I are about to begin a new life together. Everything Starts Where It Ends, indeed. I'm going to miss that show.

I'm still really hesitant to talk about my feelings towards the finale. I feel like watching something unfold for six years deserves some sort of retrospect longer than 24 hours. So I'm still dwelling on it. I won't lie and say I didn't lose a little sleep last night over it, hahahaha. JUST a little, though. Maybe it's good that it's over, huh.

Anyways, that's really it for today. I'm selling a copy of As Tall as Lions on blue vinyl if anyone is interested in bidding.

And I forgot to announce the results of my weigh in yesterday so-

This weeks weigh in: 158 lbs. Another 2 pounds. At this rate I should be 130ish by the time the wedding rolls around. Except once I get some of this excess fat off, I want to work on gaining some muscle. So uh..we'll see. I only have fourteen weeks.

Alright, well. Patent drawings call my name. See you guys tomorrow.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day 015 (Or: Hey, it's one of the numbers!)

I'mmmm going to bed.

Today was a wonderful, much needed, and well deserved chill day with Kelli. We had a lot of fun. Got us a Kashi pizza and enjoyed lots and lots of LOST.

I. Will. Sleep on how I felt about the finale. I know I'm gonna read tomorrow all about "OMG?!?!?! RIPPED OFF WHAT ABOUT WALT WHAT ABOUT THE DHARMA PACKAGE FROM THE SKY WHAT ABOUT HURLEY BIIRRRD??!?!?" but I think it was really well done. It just didn't make a lot of sense there at the end. I'm going to sleep on it.

Still, it's really weird that that show is over. It's done. That's...just strange to me. I've been watching it since I was...mmmm. 16. Wow.

Anyways, I'm going to bed. Another work day ahead of me.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day 014 (Or: We all grew up and went our separate ways.)

Where to start, about this day.

One of my oldest friends got married today. Calista Turner became Calista Barberi today. Who knew that quiet guy in my freshman english class was going to marry one of my best friends fewer than four years later. Life is so weird.

Everything is changing man. Everything is changing. Barry got married earlier this year too. It's really weird going to weddings for people that you're really close to. Or are life long friends. I guess I need to get used to it.

So anyways, the wedding was nice. I'm excited for Calista, and her new adventure with Alex. I wish they were living closer to Nashville. BUT.

On our way back to Kelli's house, I received a phone call that I'm still trying to process. I can't really go into details on this web zone, and I don't mean to make this like one of those stupid vague "Josh Taylor is wondering why this has to happen!!!" statuses. But I do want a record of the event on here, haha. Suffice it to say, I've struggled with it the rest of the night. So. There's that.

Thank the Lord Kelli and I got some chill time tonight. We've needed it. I could chat with her forever. I THINK I WILL.

I got the whole "Are you scared?" question again today. I feel dumb saying "No." But maybe the reason that with about 3 months to go, I'm not starting to get even nervous over it is that God has been so faithful to us every step of the way. And Kelli and I have put each other through so much stuff along the way, haha. I'm not saying I'm "prepared" for marriage at all. At all. I can't be. There's no way. I'm just saying, we've been through our fair share of trials, and we've made it through all of them, with the Good Lord's guidance and strength. His hand has been apparent. So maybe that's why I'm not scared or even nervous. And maybe I just am tired of driving home, haha.

Well, anyways. That's about it for today. Love Is Hell fits this night perfectly.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Day 013 (Or: The end of the week sort of.)

The work week is over. I think I've got a good handle on the system, just in time for the weekend. Next week should be fun. Hopefully we can be running on the Nexus completely by then. Bye bye Sundance!

After work, I went and got Kelli, and we went to Emily McGinty's surprise party. It was good fun. I was happy Kelli got to see her girls. She doesn't see them often enough, so she thoroughly enjoys it when she does.

Oh, and apparently our wedding has official colors now. And we have a flower arrangement too. I'm telling you what. This Feener girl has kicked it into high gear. I'm really impressed/proud of her. She's been getting tons done while I've been at work.

SPEAKIN' OF: Only 100 days! No, like, seriously. Come. Come, 100 days from now. Mr. Casey McGinty asked me tonight if I was nervous. I felt kind of silly, but I told him no. I'm sure at some point anxiety over the whole thing will hit me. But right now. It's just like. Dude. Driving home at the end of the night has gotten so old. That's just how I'm feeling now. I'm sure it'll hit me. But I'm proud of us. I think we're doing really well.

OH MAN so my graduation gift from my parents was a new iPod. It's so neat. I've had my old one for like...geez five years or something. It treated me well. But yeah this new one is fun. I can fit all my music on it now, so I've been cruising around to all these songs I haven't heard in a long long time, haha.

Wedding tomorrow. And another surprise party. Will I ever get to rest, I wonder?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 012 (Or: Congratulations, Jordan)

Oh my lord. What a long day. Every day is a long day this week. What a loooong week. I'm exhausted.

Work was chill today YES!!!! Not going a million miles an hour. Just chill. So that was good. We're gonna go to air on the new system tomorrow. Pray that goes well.

Tonight was Jordan's graduation. I'm really proud of him. I actually didn't really even get to talk to him much today. But man I'm proud. So we're all out of high school now. That's so weird. It was really nice seeing everyone. Especially Ethan Willis, haha. I... miss that guy. It's always nice to see him.

Then I went to the Feeners. A bunch of their extended family was over there eating pizza and celebrating Josh Feener's graduation tonight, too. So it was cool to hang out with them. I got a "We're real proud of ya. You and Kelli are gonna have a great start." from Grandpa Feener. That was really neat.

Kelli is really cute when she's chatting with people about wedding plans. I just enjoy watching her talk to people about it. She was so afraid she was going to be overwhelmed before we really got started planning this thing, but she's enjoying herself a lot. And staying REALLY ORGANIZED TOO I'M REALLY PROUD OF HER. So anyways, I watched Kelli show off the invitations and the engagement pictures and stuff to her aunts and cousins and Grandma and stuff. She's adorable.

One more work day? Really? Isn't it like the eighth day of the week by now....

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 011 (Or: I am completely drained.)

Why do people toss cigarettes out their car windows? Why do people do that? I'm not trying to be one of those people that just complains about people on the internet. I just really want to know. What is the thought process there. Do they think that cigarettes just disintegrate once they've been run over a hundred times? I mean, I'm not the picture of pollutant-free living. Just today, I threw an empty quart of oil in the trashcan instead of taking it out to the recycling bin...but really. I guess it's just a pet peeve. I saw it twice today.

What a long, nuts day. Work is really stressful, man. This whole learning this new system thing...sheesh. Just a long and slow process. I'm loving this system, it's just...learning all of it. It was just a really long day.

Jordan graduates from high school tomorrow. Maaan.

Well, I'm watching the Suns/Lakers game with Pop-pop. I think I'm going to bed soon. See ya tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 010 (Or: AHHHHH)

Work is s t r e s s f u l dude. It's just trying to get on this new automation system. Oh my gosh. It makes the day go by quickly, don't get me wrong, haha. There's just. So much to keep track of. It's nuts. But man once we're completely on this new system. Ahhhh life will be good. I can't wait.

More invites done today! YES! We're having fun with them. I think we're going to finish getting addresses together (hopefully) this weekend. So we can start sending them out. Then, as soon as that is done, and they're sent off, man I'm booking a HONEYMOON THAT'S RIGHT.

The rest of this week is going to be a blur. And hopefully a quick one, haha. Dude I'm ready for Sunday already. Not exclusively because of LOST but lets all face facts here. No but seriously, Sunday will be a nice day. Hopefully a chill one. I'll need one'a those by the end of this week.

Ooooookay, that's it. See ya dudes.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 009 (Or: so close to being For Real)

To me, the wedding won't be officially "on" until the invitations are in the mail. Well, we have fifty of the invitations in their envelopes and now just waiting to be sealed, addressed, and stamped. Pretty exciting! I don't really want to give the entire nature of the invitation away, but we've been having fun putting ours together. It's a little time consuming, but we're having a blast.

I was finally able to run a mile today without "walking" somewhere along the way. Still took me 10 minutes and 30 seconds. Which is actually really pathetic, even by my standards. ESPECIALLY considering how beat I was, haha. But I ran the whole way nonetheless. I'll get into shape, yet!

And I need to get to bed if I'm going to go for a run in the morning. It's always kind of a toss up if I'll wake up in time before I have to go to work, haha. But I always feel better the rest of the day when I do. So.

Also took Kelli on a belated "One year and nine month" anniversary date :P That's right. We celebrate that, once every lifetime. Mmmm Fulin's! I may have eaten too much. Mmm. But. Hopefully I'll still be under 160 on Sunday when I weigh myself.

Okay, right, bed.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Day 008 (Or: RSVP Cards Yussss)

So, I'll be married 15 weeks from now. Kelli Feener will be my wife, and I'll be her husband. Man... Life is good.

FINALLY found some stuff that'll work for how we want to do RSVP cards. So we worked on those tonight. It was fun :P Also watched Community from two weeks ago. The paintball one. That show is hilarious. Def my favorite comedy anymore.

At the beginning of this here blog page, last Sunday, I weighed in at 162 pounds. Well... I've been trying to jog most mornings, train with Jordan (well, that only happened once so far...), as well as eat a lot better than I have been recently. DID IT PAY OFF???

This week's weigh in: 160 lbs! Slowly but surely. Once the weight starts coming off, it leaves quickly. So, two pounds sounds alright to me.

We also went over to Barry and Emily's house today. It's always nice to see them. Being married is going to be fun, haha.

Oh, we looked at wedding bands today too! Can't forget about that. That was the first time we'd gone and really even looked at them, so we didn't make any decisions today, but I'm sure soon. We both pretty much know what we want.


Feel free to skip this next part, it doesn't actually have anything to do with the days activities, but I got to thinking today about the night I knew I wanted to marry Kelli. And it's just layered in irony, at this point in my life, so I figured I'd share it on here. Feel free to read if you want to share in my nostalgia.

It was February of 2008. Kelli and I weren't together. In fact, we had only become really good friends within the 6 or so months preceding this night. I was at Target in Providence with my siblings and a friend. Everyone was kinda off doing their own thing, so I texted Kelli and said I was kind of bored. It happened to be her birthday, so she happened to be at Panera in Providence with her parents. She suggested I stop by. Well, without getting into ALL the the time, it would have been a little awkward for me to just abandon the people I was with to go hang out with Kelli. But. For whatever reason, I wanted to make it work. I needed to make it work. I'm not great at improvising. So without really telling anyone (I think I may have sent my brother a text that just said I'd be back), I just...ran. Haha. I just ran all the way to Panera. Don't ask me why. Everything about that night seems surreal now. Keep in mind, at this point, I was hesitant to even think of Kelli romantically.

Well, I got there, sat down chatting with her and her parents. It was a lot of fun. I ended up staying too long, and my phone started going off a lot with "Where are you?!" texts. Ones I couldn't really answer well at the time. "Oh, I ditched you guys to hang out with a girl I don't have a thing for, I promise. I just ran across Providence without telling anyone because it's purely platonic in my head." Uh huh. So. Kelli was happy to have me there, and we just goofed off for a while.

Eventually, Kelli and her mom went up front to grab deserts for all of us. Her dad asked how I was doing. I was an anxious sophomore at the time. Y'know. Trying to figure out my life. So I was just like "I have no idea what I want to do after college. I don't have a clue. I don't want to be living with my parents after I graduate and I'm like 22." And I'll never forget his response. It was so simple. "There's worse things that could happen to you than living with your parents when you're 22." He then suggested I check out this local Christian TV station down by their house. I'd never heard of it. So I said I'd look into it.

The ladies got back and just...I don't know exactly what it was. Kelli was just happy for me to be there. Her sweetness and kindness just kills me everytime. I suppose it did then, too. And seeing Kelli's parents together, especially since her mom reminds me of her, I don't know. Something in my head just clicked. Something about that whole evening just clicked. And I remember just thinking "I can see us like them." Which, really scared me, but really exciting me. Because it wasn't really this hopeless crush that I'd had years before. It was this hopeful "I can see us together. We just fit together." It was incredible.

Well, two plus years later, I do still live with my parents after graduation, but I'll be out of here just 5 days before I turn 22. I can do that because I'm working at that local Christian TV station down the road from their house that her dad suggested I check out, and about two months after I'm into my own place, that girl I realized that night that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with will be moving in with me. Just really ironic, and cool.

This post is long, and I'm tired, so that story could probably afford some editing or...something. But anyways, that's just what I was thinking about today. God's funny. He knows I enjoy picking up all the nuances in films and life and such, so He fills my life with them...the kind of stuff I could have no idea about at the time, but years later, I realize He had me taken care of all the time.

Fifteen weeks! I can't wait. Once I get the "I'm home!" text, I'm going to bed. Night, people.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Day 007 (Or: More [Mostly] Nothing)

Eh, so. Kind of a boring day.

Except I got to see one of my oldest friends Alex Taylor today. We went to lunch. So that was a lot of fun. I don't get to see him nearly enough. Eventually, Kelli joined us. I was very happy that they finally met, after all these years, and that they got along well. I got Alex's approval, so now I can really marry her.

After that, we went back to Kelli's house where we watched the ANTM finale. Then she fell asleep. So I left, haha.

So kinda just whatever. I graduated one week ago today. It hasn't sunk in yet. I think part of it is that all my classes were directed studies the last I haven't really been "in school" classes and such... since December.

I've been eating pretty well, drinking only water, and jogging most every morning this week. So I'll weigh myself tomorrow and hopefully be less than the 162 I think it was that I weighed last Sunday.

Today, Jordan was trying to remember the name of a Linkin Park song, and he literally started to say "the one that starts out slow and then-" nice, bro.

Off to finish NLA's graduation video for the year. I'm not doing this thing again, haha.

Oh, and I'm really ready to be married. This whole "well, you're tired, so I guess I'm going home" thing has got to go.

Day 006 (Or: ...Nothing?)

Uhh, I forgot to post anything yesterday. I just went to work, and then to the Feeners (Kelli was at work, but I told her I'd do a little cleaning for her before her parents got back into town)...then I came home and was just really tired all evening. Eventually I went to sleep. That was literally my day.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 005 (Or: I Want Pizza)

This week has been kinda rough from a food standpoint. I've been trying to eat three very square meals a day. No snacking, no sweets, etc. So I can get some of this weight off. I really just want a pizza. Maybe I can go get one of the Kashi pizzas and just eat half of it or something. I feel pretty pathetic. But the beginning is always the worst part of trying to get my weight back to normal. I'm just hungry all the time.

We registered at Bed, Bath, and Beyond tonight! Which was really fun. That place has some neat stuff. I like random inventions. People are creative, man. But anyways, yeah we had fun! So we're completely registered now. I'm excited :) Finding stuff for our eventual home is a blast, haha. Scanning random stuff that isn't really necessary but looks fun is also a blast, hahaha.

Ahh so, after we did that, we went back to her house, where we were going to watch ANTM and Community, but instead just chatted for a few hours. Until it started getting late :/ Then I headed home. I could talk to Kelli Feener forever, I'm pretty sure. She's the best friend I've ever had. I'm glad I get to marry her.

Ahhh so that was about it. I've been waking up the last couple of mornings and doing a quick mile around the neighborhood. I'm so out of shape that I end up walking some of it, because I don't feel like completely wearing myself out in the morning. I just want to get my heart pumping and my body burning calories, haha. C'MON WEIGHT.

Okay, that's it. Oh! And in what is apparently NOT a reference to LOST, Kelli decided to write a blog, and name it The Other 112 Days. So I suggest going and reading it. That's what I'm about to do.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


So registry at Target tonight was a mix of overwhelming and exciting. But mostly exciting. Kelli and I had a lot of fun scanning stuff. It was a good time. We're both getting really excited. August is fast approaching.

On our way out, we ran into Bethany Musgrove and her man Shadrick, who were walking in to register. It was funny. And also nuts. Bethany's my oldest friend (Since I was like...three?) And now we're getting married within ten days of each other. So strange. And exciting.

Picked up our photos for the invitations, as well. They look great! We're excited.

Yeah, registry was a lot of fun, haha.

Then, no one was home at the Feeners, and it was too late to drive us both out to my house, so we just went for a nice, long, pretty drive through Lebanon. Good times.

Training on the new automation system at work went really well. It's a little daunting switching over to a new system, but it shouldn't be too bad.

Also, it's weird hearing all new people on WNAZ now. In a good way, though.

Anyways, I'm going to bed.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 003 (Or: "Satur" Vs. "Sun")

Wow, so this was a freaking long and...long day. We did training on the new automation system at work, so we had like three guys from our Knoxville station at work today. But there was also a guy who decided to install our new EAS too...on the same day? So it was nuts? All day? Like seven people in that small master control room. It was a'reoigbao[eriugba'[orgAHHHHHHHHH but we made it. One more long day of training and then it'll be over. The new system is SWEET + it looks super easy. Awesome.

LOST tonight was............. I don't know how to explain it. I felt cheated when they- OH btw SPOILER ALERT if you haven't seen "Across the Sea" yet...- I felt cheated when they did that stupid flashback to season one when they found the skeltons in the cave. Really? Really? Why? That's like been one of the biggest mysteries of the whole show? It was like..insulting or something. Like "HERE just in case you forgot!!!!!" it didn't jive with the storytelling and I didn't like it and I'm probably making too much of it but I'm serious it made me frustrated AND ALSO it was kind of a weird episode anyway. They told the mythological story they needed to tell, but it was still just a little weird. Like the whole thing. I think I'd rather have just wondered about it or something. I don't know. I'm sure they'll redeem it. I'm just not used to thinking LOST wasn't so great, haha. Insult me!

Why are you still here? So today we got our invitations but it turns out that we wrote "Saturday" instead of "Sunday." Kelli was really bummed but while she was in the shower, I called the printer people and they said they'd give us a refund! HE HE! She was pumped. I got a hug out of it. So anyways, we ordered ones that say "Sunday" and we're PRETTY sure the rest of it is okay too.

Oh, and we didn't go to Target. Y'know...freaking. We may never do that. Or maybe it'll be tomorrow. Maybe. We just weren't feeling it today. I was tired.

OH AND we ordered pictures for the invitations! YAAAAAAAAAAYEAH. We actually got some other pictures last week but decided we wanted these other ones instead. Anyone noticing a theme here? It's okay, we're having fun planning. We could be hating it.

BASICALLY today, I learned that the new system at work is GONNA BE SWEET, Heather at 123Print can turn a disaster into $$$, and spending thirty years with people just because they have "smart ideas" ends up being completely fruitless and then your brother kills you.

Sorry I spent so much time talking about LOST. I'll probably not hate that episode whenever the whole show is over. But anyways.


Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 002 (Or: Training Day 1)

Jordan destroyed me very easily this morning. It was unbelievable. We woke up before I had to go to work and did a quick jog around the block, then some jump rope, them some curls, then some..... etc. I was pooped. So out of shape dude. SO OUT.

Anyways, but I felt good for the rest of the day. It improves my attitude throughout the day when I've exercised. So that was good! And I did squats or whatever you call them whenever I went in to use the restroom (I know I say you do a squat everytime you use the restroom too. You are so funny!) But no I just like to get my heart going a little throughout the day. Sitting on your bum all day just...feels like it's not good for you while you're doing it, haha. So THANKS Jordan for being willing to make sure I'm exercising. I can't wait to get this weight off...

We didn't register at Bed, Bath, and Beyond yesterday, it turns out. We're gonna do Target tomorrow, and then BB&B the next day or the day after that, I think is the plan.

Kelli and Alex were here when I got home from work. We had a good time just chilling.

OH'P tomorrow's LOST YEAH.

I have to be to work an hour early the next two days because we're training on the new computer automation system (YESSSS). So. I'm going to bed.

See you guys TOMORROW.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Day 001 (Or: Where We're At)

Hello, blog zones. I'm going to blog about the 112 days in between my college graduation (yesterday) and my marriage to Kelli Ranae Feener (113 days from now, including today).

I graduated from Trevecca Nazarene University yesterday. Summa Cum Laude to BOOT. There was only 19-21 Summa Cum Laude graduates, depending on who was counting, haha. So that was really cool.

(The lovely family)

(The wonderful in laws)

(The best friend)

I'm so glad school is over. It hasn't sunk in yet, y'know? It'll probably take a couple of weeks. Or maybe it'll hit me in the fall when people are going back to school, and I'm not. ALL I KNOW is I'm incredibly happy to already have a bunch of stuff that usually happens post-graduation (job, apartment, wedding date, etc) figured out before graduation.

It's been kind of a whirlwind...getting apartment stuff figured out, insurance stuff figured out once I move out, school finalized, wedding stuff figured out...etc. Lots and lots and lots of phone calls.

CTN has been a great job. The people there are really cool. And it's right down the road from Kelli's house. That's a nice blessing.

I move out June 19th. For someone who has lived in the same house (even the same ROOM) for...geez, 18 years now... that'll be some kind of weird. I'm super excited. I am. I REALLY AM. I'm just saying. It's going to take some getting used to. But being 5 minutes down the road from work and Kelli will be great. I live out in Mt. Juliet. I just sleep in Antioch. That's been my life.

OH my radio show ended on Friday. That's going to be super weird, too. I don't have anywhere to be at nights anymore. I really enjoyed doing radio. But maybe it was just a thing I always wanted to do that I needed to get out of my system, and I was blessed enough to get the opportunity to do it. Maybe. I don't know. I'm going to miss it.

Jordan and I start training tomorrow. I've gotta get in shape before the wedding (Which is August 29th! YEAH). So we're both going to start getting up before I have to go to work in the morning, and he's gonna be my personal trainer, haha. Awesome. I'm gonna need it becaaaause:

Weekly Weigh in: 162 lbs. Eesh...

Kelli and I are getting invitation stuff together this weekend. Also registering at Bed, Bath, and Beyond today, I believe. Julian Smith's wedding is tonight. So we're going to that, too. Lots to do today. At least it makes the time move quicker.

Anyways, that's about it for today I think. I haven't blogged in so long that I'm probably not good at it BUT THAT'S OKAY CATCH YA TOMORROW.