So, I'll be married 15 weeks from now. Kelli Feener will be my wife, and I'll be her husband. Man... Life is good.
FINALLY found some stuff that'll work for how we want to do RSVP cards. So we worked on those tonight. It was fun :P Also watched Community from two weeks ago. The paintball one. That show is hilarious. Def my favorite comedy anymore.
At the beginning of this here blog page, last Sunday, I weighed in at 162 pounds. Well... I've been trying to jog most mornings, train with Jordan (well, that only happened once so far...), as well as eat a lot better than I have been recently. DID IT PAY OFF???
This week's weigh in: 160 lbs! Slowly but surely. Once the weight starts coming off, it leaves quickly. So, two pounds sounds alright to me.
We also went over to Barry and Emily's house today. It's always nice to see them. Being married is going to be fun, haha.
Oh, we looked at wedding bands today too! Can't forget about that. That was the first time we'd gone and really even looked at them, so we didn't make any decisions today, but I'm sure soon. We both pretty much know what we want.
Feel free to skip this next part, it doesn't actually have anything to do with the days activities, but I got to thinking today about the night I knew I wanted to marry Kelli. And it's just layered in irony, at this point in my life, so I figured I'd share it on here. Feel free to read if you want to share in my nostalgia.
It was February of 2008. Kelli and I weren't together. In fact, we had only become really good friends within the 6 or so months preceding this night. I was at Target in Providence with my siblings and a friend. Everyone was kinda off doing their own thing, so I texted Kelli and said I was kind of bored. It happened to be her birthday, so she happened to be at Panera in Providence with her parents. She suggested I stop by. Well, without getting into ALL the the time, it would have been a little awkward for me to just abandon the people I was with to go hang out with Kelli. But. For whatever reason, I wanted to make it work. I needed to make it work. I'm not great at improvising. So without really telling anyone (I think I may have sent my brother a text that just said I'd be back), I just...ran. Haha. I just ran all the way to Panera. Don't ask me why. Everything about that night seems surreal now. Keep in mind, at this point, I was hesitant to even think of Kelli romantically.
Well, I got there, sat down chatting with her and her parents. It was a lot of fun. I ended up staying too long, and my phone started going off a lot with "Where are you?!" texts. Ones I couldn't really answer well at the time. "Oh, I ditched you guys to hang out with a girl I don't have a thing for, I promise. I just ran across Providence without telling anyone because it's purely platonic in my head." Uh huh. So. Kelli was happy to have me there, and we just goofed off for a while.
Eventually, Kelli and her mom went up front to grab deserts for all of us. Her dad asked how I was doing. I was an anxious sophomore at the time. Y'know. Trying to figure out my life. So I was just like "I have no idea what I want to do after college. I don't have a clue. I don't want to be living with my parents after I graduate and I'm like 22." And I'll never forget his response. It was so simple. "There's worse things that could happen to you than living with your parents when you're 22." He then suggested I check out this local Christian TV station down by their house. I'd never heard of it. So I said I'd look into it.
The ladies got back and just...I don't know exactly what it was. Kelli was just happy for me to be there. Her sweetness and kindness just kills me everytime. I suppose it did then, too. And seeing Kelli's parents together, especially since her mom reminds me of her, I don't know. Something in my head just clicked. Something about that whole evening just clicked. And I remember just thinking "I can see us like them." Which, really scared me, but really exciting me. Because it wasn't really this hopeless crush that I'd had years before. It was this hopeful "I can see us together. We just fit together." It was incredible.
Well, two plus years later, I do still live with my parents after graduation, but I'll be out of here just 5 days before I turn 22. I can do that because I'm working at that local Christian TV station down the road from their house that her dad suggested I check out, and about two months after I'm into my own place, that girl I realized that night that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with will be moving in with me. Just really ironic, and cool.
This post is long, and I'm tired, so that story could probably afford some editing or...something. But anyways, that's just what I was thinking about today. God's funny. He knows I enjoy picking up all the nuances in films and life and such, so He fills my life with them...the kind of stuff I could have no idea about at the time, but years later, I realize He had me taken care of all the time.
Fifteen weeks! I can't wait. Once I get the "I'm home!" text, I'm going to bed. Night, people.