What a day.
Kelli and I are so incredibly blessed. What a whirlwind of a day.
I think I'm not nervous because none of it seems real. Kelli and I were talking tonight about how strange and surreal this all feels. To be getting married tomorrow.
Well, technically today. I stayed up to clean up the town house for when Kelli gets back here (Shhh.... it's a secret! :P)
And I think I may have broken the washer in the process.
But that's life. You take the good with the bad.
This last post should have some sense of finality, but maybe it's supposed to end with a possibly-broken washer, a clean town house, and an overall sense of excitement at the unknown just ahead.
To be married. To devote your life to the service of another. To accept life's not always perfect, but you do what you can, and you embrace the moments, and the ones yet to come.
I hope you all enjoyed these 112 days in between. I didn't always. But I wouldn't change a second of it. What a wild ride. What lessons learned. What surprises along the way.
Goodbye college, goodbye single man... It is time to Love another.
To be married.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Day 111 (Or: The day before the day before)
Work was a blast, honestly. I didn't really do anything. Kevin did my job in preparation for next week when I won't be here. So I was just there to answer questions. But Kevin's a smart cookie, he only needed help like 3 times the whole time I was there :). Kelli came and brought me lunch, and my family (plus Pop-pop and Grandma) came to see where I work. Then Pastor Monica let me off early because she could tell I was ready to get outta there hahah.
Met Miss Phyllis' mom and brother Dennis! I've heard great things about both of them and they all turned out true. Super cool people. Uncle Dennis was a lot of fun chatting with. We showed them the town house. There's nothing like Kelli's face lighting up when she's showing this place off- I'm so happy she feels at home here. It's really a blessing for her to move straight from one place that feels like home to another one. That's hard to pull off, but God orchestrated this whole thing perfectly for her. He knows her spirit.
Ah, so other than that, Kelli and I went grocery shopping for the honeymoon. Probably bought TOO much, but it's enough that we'll feel like we have some options when we open the fridge at the cabin in Gatlinburg :) We had a lot of fun shopping and nervously laughing every time we stuck another item in the cart like this "ha ha....thisss is gonna be a lot of money..." haha. But it's alright. You only get one honeymoon :)
Then back to the town hosue where we looked on the labels for the wedding. Almost done with those!
And holy cow, that's really about it. We're about done with this thing. There's only so many hours left where we have any say about it. We're both ready to just hand it over to brighter minds than ours, and just enjoy this thing we've been working to plan for nearly a year. What a ride this has been.
Met Miss Phyllis' mom and brother Dennis! I've heard great things about both of them and they all turned out true. Super cool people. Uncle Dennis was a lot of fun chatting with. We showed them the town house. There's nothing like Kelli's face lighting up when she's showing this place off- I'm so happy she feels at home here. It's really a blessing for her to move straight from one place that feels like home to another one. That's hard to pull off, but God orchestrated this whole thing perfectly for her. He knows her spirit.
Ah, so other than that, Kelli and I went grocery shopping for the honeymoon. Probably bought TOO much, but it's enough that we'll feel like we have some options when we open the fridge at the cabin in Gatlinburg :) We had a lot of fun shopping and nervously laughing every time we stuck another item in the cart like this "ha ha....thisss is gonna be a lot of money..." haha. But it's alright. You only get one honeymoon :)
Then back to the town hosue where we looked on the labels for the wedding. Almost done with those!
And holy cow, that's really about it. We're about done with this thing. There's only so many hours left where we have any say about it. We're both ready to just hand it over to brighter minds than ours, and just enjoy this thing we've been working to plan for nearly a year. What a ride this has been.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Day 110 (Or: As things begin to wrap)
Man oh man. It's so close.
My second to last day of work before vacation. I have been so unmotivated. I just goof off all day. Thankfully everyone is on board with that because c'mon who can blame me, haha. But I managed to get pretty ahead today, somehow. So that's good. Tomorrow, I'm actually not even going to be in Master Control except for a little bit in the morning. The guy who is gonna fill in for me is gonna run it tomorrow on his own to make sure he can do it, and I'll be there if he has any questions. Y'know just...roaming the building all day. Loving my job, haha. :P
Kelli and I got a lot done tonight. There's a billion gallons of different drinks in this house right now, all for Sunday. Anddd we got pictures developed for the wedding that we needed. Aaannddd we just ran a bunch of errands and got a bunch of stuff that was needed for the wedding. Still a lot to do, but it's manageable. We have a plan to get it all done, so. That's good.
Anyways, that was today. I'm too excited to sleep. But I'm so beat that I'll probably be able to do it anyways.
My second to last day of work before vacation. I have been so unmotivated. I just goof off all day. Thankfully everyone is on board with that because c'mon who can blame me, haha. But I managed to get pretty ahead today, somehow. So that's good. Tomorrow, I'm actually not even going to be in Master Control except for a little bit in the morning. The guy who is gonna fill in for me is gonna run it tomorrow on his own to make sure he can do it, and I'll be there if he has any questions. Y'know just...roaming the building all day. Loving my job, haha. :P
Kelli and I got a lot done tonight. There's a billion gallons of different drinks in this house right now, all for Sunday. Anddd we got pictures developed for the wedding that we needed. Aaannddd we just ran a bunch of errands and got a bunch of stuff that was needed for the wedding. Still a lot to do, but it's manageable. We have a plan to get it all done, so. That's good.
Anyways, that was today. I'm too excited to sleep. But I'm so beat that I'll probably be able to do it anyways.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Day 109 (Or: My brother, the winner)
JORDAN WON THE FINAL BIKE RACE OF THE YEAR. He won he won he won! Pretty much the entire day can be summed up in that statement :) And because of his victory tonight, he finished 3rd over all for Cat-5's, and got a place on the podium at the award ceremony at the end of the night. Seriously, so excited for my brother. We were flipping out. He's been training so long and so hard- I'm happy he's finally got a legitimate "victory" to his name. I know he needed it. :)
Anyways, Kelli was hanging with her parents tonight, so she couldn't be there. Happy about the hang out, but bummed she missed the big moment. :( thankfully, we got it on video, and Kelli lent me her 35mm, which I used up a whole roll of film with, haha.
Anyways, once Kelli finiahed hanging with her parents, I went over there but BLESS HER HEART the girl was beat, so I didn't stay long. But we've only gotten to see each other sparsely the past couple of days, and on Monday, we were together but just doing hardcore wedding planning. So... it was relaly nice just getting to chill with her for a bit.
Uh....4 days? How is that possible?
Two more work days. Two more. I've been at CTN since December and I've had two Mon-Fri days off. Two. Haha. Like I worked Christmas and new years and stuff. Two days off. I am going to revel in my total of 10 days off from work :) I love my job. Love it. But I need a break :)
Anyways, Kelli was hanging with her parents tonight, so she couldn't be there. Happy about the hang out, but bummed she missed the big moment. :( thankfully, we got it on video, and Kelli lent me her 35mm, which I used up a whole roll of film with, haha.
Anyways, once Kelli finiahed hanging with her parents, I went over there but BLESS HER HEART the girl was beat, so I didn't stay long. But we've only gotten to see each other sparsely the past couple of days, and on Monday, we were together but just doing hardcore wedding planning. So... it was relaly nice just getting to chill with her for a bit.
Uh....4 days? How is that possible?
Two more work days. Two more. I've been at CTN since December and I've had two Mon-Fri days off. Two. Haha. Like I worked Christmas and new years and stuff. Two days off. I am going to revel in my total of 10 days off from work :) I love my job. Love it. But I need a break :)
Day 108 (Or: Bachelor Party)
SLOW TO UPDATE sorry one-to-two faithful readers.
After work, I went by Kelli's house. Both of us had parties going on that night in our honor. So she made me some dinner and then I headed out to my family's house. Where I waited around for a while.
And then suddenly Barry and Jared were there with a blindfold. THERE I WAS in Barry's car, couldn't see a thing, basically just happy that after years of Barry talking about wanting to blindfold someone for a party, he was finally getting to do it. We drove for a bit and then I was (not very) carefully walked into a loud building. The blindfold was lifted and I was at GAME GALAXY my absolute favorite arcade. The fellas had RENTED THE PLACE OUT for the evening. So we had total access to the place. And then I was handed a huge cup of quarters and told to go crazy. Seriously, the best party ever. Barry, Jared, Jordan, Ethan, Alex Taylor, David Smith, Benje, Carlson, Ray, and Steven Turner all came out. It was an absolute blast. Lots of Street fighter, Tekken, pinball, etc. The best part was definitely beating SUNSET RIDERS with Ethan, Alex, and Jordan. Years and years and years. We were obviously cheating by sticking so many in quarters in the game, but who cares :P We finally beat it. It was a fantastic evening.
And Mr. Mark, my old youth pastor, showed up when we went to Steak and Shake afterwards :D So good to see him! After that, Barry, Jared, Benje, and Mr. Mark came to the town house because all of them but Barry hadn't seen it. It was fun.
And I rode over to Steak and Shake with Ethan and got to have a chat with my best friend growing up. We don't get to talk very much these days/years, haha. It was great.
And Kelli's Bridal Shower was a success too according to what she told me. We both needed this night. We'd been so wrapped up in all this wedding stuff, we just needed it.
And then I found this out and died. Like it was over for me.
After work, I went by Kelli's house. Both of us had parties going on that night in our honor. So she made me some dinner and then I headed out to my family's house. Where I waited around for a while.
And then suddenly Barry and Jared were there with a blindfold. THERE I WAS in Barry's car, couldn't see a thing, basically just happy that after years of Barry talking about wanting to blindfold someone for a party, he was finally getting to do it. We drove for a bit and then I was (not very) carefully walked into a loud building. The blindfold was lifted and I was at GAME GALAXY my absolute favorite arcade. The fellas had RENTED THE PLACE OUT for the evening. So we had total access to the place. And then I was handed a huge cup of quarters and told to go crazy. Seriously, the best party ever. Barry, Jared, Jordan, Ethan, Alex Taylor, David Smith, Benje, Carlson, Ray, and Steven Turner all came out. It was an absolute blast. Lots of Street fighter, Tekken, pinball, etc. The best part was definitely beating SUNSET RIDERS with Ethan, Alex, and Jordan. Years and years and years. We were obviously cheating by sticking so many in quarters in the game, but who cares :P We finally beat it. It was a fantastic evening.
And Mr. Mark, my old youth pastor, showed up when we went to Steak and Shake afterwards :D So good to see him! After that, Barry, Jared, Benje, and Mr. Mark came to the town house because all of them but Barry hadn't seen it. It was fun.
And I rode over to Steak and Shake with Ethan and got to have a chat with my best friend growing up. We don't get to talk very much these days/years, haha. It was great.
And Kelli's Bridal Shower was a success too according to what she told me. We both needed this night. We'd been so wrapped up in all this wedding stuff, we just needed it.
And then I found this out and died. Like it was over for me.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Day 107 (Or: Taxing)
Taxing taxing taxing.
I think there should be some kind of inspirational quote regarding how planning a wedding affirms your commitment to your future spouse more so than the actual ceremony itself. Or something like that.
But there were very, very nice things about yesterday. Pop-Pop is in town :D He and Dad helped me go pick up a gas grill that the Feener's Aunt Becky VERY GENEROUSLY purchased for us. It works great and we're really excited about it. :)
We went over to Miss Amber's to get everyone on the same page with 6 days to go before the ceremony. Then suddenly it was 10 o clock?
This wedding in all of its various forms has been in the works for about 9 months or so now. Kelli and I are both tired. We're so close, but we're exhausted with it. Kind folks ask what they can do to help us out, and we wish we had an easy answer for them. It's mostly just keeping a lot of small things straight and making sure they're all done. We're ready for this adventure to be over, so that we can start the next one.
I think there should be some kind of inspirational quote regarding how planning a wedding affirms your commitment to your future spouse more so than the actual ceremony itself. Or something like that.
But there were very, very nice things about yesterday. Pop-Pop is in town :D He and Dad helped me go pick up a gas grill that the Feener's Aunt Becky VERY GENEROUSLY purchased for us. It works great and we're really excited about it. :)
We went over to Miss Amber's to get everyone on the same page with 6 days to go before the ceremony. Then suddenly it was 10 o clock?
This wedding in all of its various forms has been in the works for about 9 months or so now. Kelli and I are both tired. We're so close, but we're exhausted with it. Kind folks ask what they can do to help us out, and we wish we had an easy answer for them. It's mostly just keeping a lot of small things straight and making sure they're all done. We're ready for this adventure to be over, so that we can start the next one.
Monday, August 23, 2010
One of my very favorite places in the whole world is the Huntsville Space and Rocket Center in Alabama. I love that place. I could live there. thankfully, my family enjoys going just as much as I do, so getting there is never hard :P We've brought Kelli along with us the past two times which I've really enjoyed. We all wanted to go one more time before Kelli and I got married. So, exactly one week before the wedding (And exactly one week after Kelli took me north of the Tennessee border to Dinosaur World in Kentucky), we headed down to Alabama to enjoy all manners of space exploration.
And we were all really, really pumped for this particular trip, because this summer, the center has had a traveling STAR WARS exhibit. Oh my goodness, it was the best space camp trip yet. They had all kinds of stuff to look at and TONS AND TONS of props and costumes and droids and vehicles from the movies. Like literally the ones in the movies. It was incredible.

(Both from A New Hope)
And we were all really, really pumped for this particular trip, because this summer, the center has had a traveling STAR WARS exhibit. Oh my goodness, it was the best space camp trip yet. They had all kinds of stuff to look at and TONS AND TONS of props and costumes and droids and vehicles from the movies. Like literally the ones in the movies. It was incredible.

Kelli and I were both geeking out the whole time. It was so fun.
I got to ride the Space Shot at the end of the day with Mom too a few consecutive times :P And we even got an IMAXdome movie in at the beginning of the day, all about the Hubble Telescope. So cool. Space is so huge and vast and makes me come up with a million questions. I love that space is a mystery. I love that it is seemingly endless.
Anyways, an absolutely perfect day in every way. Quality time with my family one last time before this crazy week gets started, and I got my picture taken next to the real Darth Vader costume. Freaking. Out.
Anyways, mark day 106 as my favorite one so far, probably.
I got to ride the Space Shot at the end of the day with Mom too a few consecutive times :P And we even got an IMAXdome movie in at the beginning of the day, all about the Hubble Telescope. So cool. Space is so huge and vast and makes me come up with a million questions. I love that space is a mystery. I love that it is seemingly endless.
Anyways, an absolutely perfect day in every way. Quality time with my family one last time before this crazy week gets started, and I got my picture taken next to the real Darth Vader costume. Freaking. Out.
Anyways, mark day 106 as my favorite one so far, probably.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Day 105 (Or: The last weekend)
As a single man, as Adam Brewster so astutely commented on my previous post. LOVE IT.
We got t o n s done today. I stayed up way late playing LEMMINGS it's even more fun than I remember it being when I was younger. Anyways, then I slept til 10:30am WHAT that never happens. And then I played Lemmings for a few more hours hahah and then Mr. Stan and I fixed Kelli's and my bed frame so it's not so flimsy. It's REALLY sturdy now. Thanks so much to Mr. Stan who is doing a really good job of making sure everything in our house is running smoothly. :)
Anyways, then went over to the Feener's where I helped Kelli clear out Hurricane Katrina I mean her bedroom. It was a mess when we started (Some of that is my fault because I just started moving her furniture out while they were in Bristol last weekend, haha) but by the time we called it quits, just about everything was accounted for. She just has a little more to do! VERY NICE.
Anyways, then we moved the stuff we'd packed from her room over to the town house and I showed her the wonders of Lemmings. Then we went and got some stuff we needed for the wedding. AAAAANNNNNNNNDDDDD THEN PRINCESS BRIDE AND THEN I'M BACK HERE
We got t o n s done today. I stayed up way late playing LEMMINGS it's even more fun than I remember it being when I was younger. Anyways, then I slept til 10:30am WHAT that never happens. And then I played Lemmings for a few more hours hahah and then Mr. Stan and I fixed Kelli's and my bed frame so it's not so flimsy. It's REALLY sturdy now. Thanks so much to Mr. Stan who is doing a really good job of making sure everything in our house is running smoothly. :)
Anyways, then went over to the Feener's where I helped Kelli clear out Hurricane Katrina I mean her bedroom. It was a mess when we started (Some of that is my fault because I just started moving her furniture out while they were in Bristol last weekend, haha) but by the time we called it quits, just about everything was accounted for. She just has a little more to do! VERY NICE.
Anyways, then we moved the stuff we'd packed from her room over to the town house and I showed her the wonders of Lemmings. Then we went and got some stuff we needed for the wedding. AAAAANNNNNNNNDDDDD THEN PRINCESS BRIDE AND THEN I'M BACK HERE
Friday, August 20, 2010
Day 104 (Or: A funeral and a wedding)
TODAAAAY my oldest friend (going on 20 years here soon!) got married. And what a lovely bride she made! So Bethany is married now. Bethany Stonehall. So weird. And congrats to Shad too. :) I love how quickly he's just become part of the big "family." He's a fantastic guy, and I can't think of a better one to marry Bethany :)
I got to play DJ for the evening, so that was fun as well. Overall, a very pleasant evening.
OH WAIT UNTIL. I got the text. The one that let me know that the board of trustees over at good ole Trevecca voted to sell WNAZ. Thankfully I was at the wedding of a very dear friend of mine to pick me up. Because. It wasn't good.
So, I guess that's it? I don't know. I find it hard to believe everyone will just throw in the towel on all of these efforts. Oh, Channel 2 even did a story about it today (Mentioned my tshirts even! Ha ha it was funny hearing the reporter say "God Save WNAZ" hahaha)... but I guess everything that has been done up to this point wasn't enough to save a station that has stood on that campus for over 40 years. So, admittedly I'm still processing it. I'm not happy about it. It hurts. But I have a strange peace about it. But I don't know. Right now I'm mostly just upset, haha.
Anyways, last weekend ever that I won't be married.
Congrats to Bethany and Shad again :) so exciting.
First weekend at the town house. LEMMINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got to play DJ for the evening, so that was fun as well. Overall, a very pleasant evening.
OH WAIT UNTIL. I got the text. The one that let me know that the board of trustees over at good ole Trevecca voted to sell WNAZ. Thankfully I was at the wedding of a very dear friend of mine to pick me up. Because. It wasn't good.
So, I guess that's it? I don't know. I find it hard to believe everyone will just throw in the towel on all of these efforts. Oh, Channel 2 even did a story about it today (Mentioned my tshirts even! Ha ha it was funny hearing the reporter say "God Save WNAZ" hahaha)... but I guess everything that has been done up to this point wasn't enough to save a station that has stood on that campus for over 40 years. So, admittedly I'm still processing it. I'm not happy about it. It hurts. But I have a strange peace about it. But I don't know. Right now I'm mostly just upset, haha.
Anyways, last weekend ever that I won't be married.
Congrats to Bethany and Shad again :) so exciting.
First weekend at the town house. LEMMINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Day 103 (Or: Went down to the court house, and to the old church, and to the town house)
Left work around noon today, went and got Kelli and weeee went on down to Lebanon to get our marriage license. It was honestly a somewhat frustrating trip, for various reasons. But by the time we (finally) walked out of the county clerk's office, we had this neat-0 speedo piece of paper that had fancy phrases like "HOLY BONDS OF MATRIMONY" and "IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD"... we were thrilled. We took pictures.
so I'm down to just 6 work days left to get the people at work trained on the system we use. Mmmm I'm terrible at training people to do things, mostly because I learn just by doing something on my own for long enough. Ugghhhh so. Wish I could just skip the next week. It's going to be stressful, I know it.
Bethany and Shad's rehearsal dinner was tonight. It was a great time. Danny and Ethan and I set up the sound system for the reception and such. And it was just nice to see everyone.
Then Kelli and I went to PARTY CITY and got some INVITES to our own rehearsal lunch Saturday after next. So we filled them out and put them in envelopes whilst we enjoyed a Kashi pizza back here at the town house. Then back to the Feener's where I dropped Kelli off and then came back here and wrote this literally INCREDDDDIBBBLLEEE blog post.
CAEDMON'S CALL do not forget them.
so I'm down to just 6 work days left to get the people at work trained on the system we use. Mmmm I'm terrible at training people to do things, mostly because I learn just by doing something on my own for long enough. Ugghhhh so. Wish I could just skip the next week. It's going to be stressful, I know it.
Bethany and Shad's rehearsal dinner was tonight. It was a great time. Danny and Ethan and I set up the sound system for the reception and such. And it was just nice to see everyone.
Then Kelli and I went to PARTY CITY and got some INVITES to our own rehearsal lunch Saturday after next. So we filled them out and put them in envelopes whilst we enjoyed a Kashi pizza back here at the town house. Then back to the Feener's where I dropped Kelli off and then came back here and wrote this literally INCREDDDDIBBBLLEEE blog post.
CAEDMON'S CALL do not forget them.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Day 102 (Or: Another day that happened)
Did anything...happen today.
That WNAZ group on facebook just keeps getting bigger. And there's some heated debate going on back and forth on its wall. I honestly haven't kept up with it but it's cool that so many people are engaged. And I found out that things with the station and Trevecca have gotten more nuts. So. That whole thing is fun to keep up with. It occupies my mind most of the time, not going to lie.
Anyways, Kelli's been working on clearning out her bedroom hahahaha I wrote "clearning." That's awesome. KEEP.
I found out that the Scott Pilgrim video game is not only available in the Xbox arcade online store thing but it's also supposed to be SWEET so now I just need an available day hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha to download it and play it! Oh also I found the original Lemmings for the mac as just a free download. So I want to play that too.... oh my Lord to just get off work and come to this place and for Kelli to be here and for us to just be parked for the night. Eleven days to go.
We went to my family's house for dinner tonight. So that was fun. And then went back to the Feener's where Kelli like straight up fell asleep at like 9:30 while I worked on Bethany and Shad's processional music for the rehearsal dinner tomorrow. Anyways, so then I tucked her in and left.
GETTING OUT LICENSE TOMORROW. Glad Dad found my social security card CLOSE ONE
That WNAZ group on facebook just keeps getting bigger. And there's some heated debate going on back and forth on its wall. I honestly haven't kept up with it but it's cool that so many people are engaged. And I found out that things with the station and Trevecca have gotten more nuts. So. That whole thing is fun to keep up with. It occupies my mind most of the time, not going to lie.
Anyways, Kelli's been working on clearning out her bedroom hahahaha I wrote "clearning." That's awesome. KEEP.
I found out that the Scott Pilgrim video game is not only available in the Xbox arcade online store thing but it's also supposed to be SWEET so now I just need an available day hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha to download it and play it! Oh also I found the original Lemmings for the mac as just a free download. So I want to play that too.... oh my Lord to just get off work and come to this place and for Kelli to be here and for us to just be parked for the night. Eleven days to go.
We went to my family's house for dinner tonight. So that was fun. And then went back to the Feener's where Kelli like straight up fell asleep at like 9:30 while I worked on Bethany and Shad's processional music for the rehearsal dinner tomorrow. Anyways, so then I tucked her in and left.
GETTING OUT LICENSE TOMORROW. Glad Dad found my social security card CLOSE ONE
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Day 101 (Or: Josh Taylor vs. 12 Days to Go)
Nice, peaceful day at work! Kelli brought me lunch AND made me dinner on the go after I got off work. What. a. future. wife. A delicious cook too. She knows the foods that make my taste buds sing :)
Then we went grocery shopping for some stuff we needed.
And then we went and saw Scott Pilgrim vs. The World with my sister and I was expecting it to be pretty good but it was so good, haha. Loved it. That one and Inception are the only two in a while that have kept my attention the entire way through. Loved it. Wouldn't mind seeing it again.
Anyways, as cool as it would have been to say that the first and last movies Kelli and I saw as a "dating couple" were Christopher Nolan movies (The Dark Knight and Inception), it looks like Scott Pilgrim is going to take the latter honor, haha. S'ALL GOOD it was great.
Anyways, then we went and got Alex and Joshie's shirts for the wedding, aaaanddd then went back to the Feener's and ordered their ties.
In just over a day, that resistance against selling WNAZ page on Facebook has ofer 240 people in it. Impressive. Hopefully it'll keep growing. It's been emotional, man. I still can't really wrap my head around it. And I just made a tshirt over at Zazzle, and all royalties (a whooping 2 bucks per shirt, but still) will be donated to WNAZ. God Save WNAZ.
Anyways, that was today.
Then we went grocery shopping for some stuff we needed.
And then we went and saw Scott Pilgrim vs. The World with my sister and I was expecting it to be pretty good but it was so good, haha. Loved it. That one and Inception are the only two in a while that have kept my attention the entire way through. Loved it. Wouldn't mind seeing it again.
Anyways, as cool as it would have been to say that the first and last movies Kelli and I saw as a "dating couple" were Christopher Nolan movies (The Dark Knight and Inception), it looks like Scott Pilgrim is going to take the latter honor, haha. S'ALL GOOD it was great.
Anyways, then we went and got Alex and Joshie's shirts for the wedding, aaaanddd then went back to the Feener's and ordered their ties.
In just over a day, that resistance against selling WNAZ page on Facebook has ofer 240 people in it. Impressive. Hopefully it'll keep growing. It's been emotional, man. I still can't really wrap my head around it. And I just made a tshirt over at Zazzle, and all royalties (a whooping 2 bucks per shirt, but still) will be donated to WNAZ. God Save WNAZ.
Anyways, that was today.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Day 100 (Or: The First Great Clean)
So I'm feeling better today! Stuffy. But nothing else. Which is the next (and last!) step in my "get a cold" routine. The worst of it only lasted like a day. And even that is a stretch. It was mostly just bracing for what I thought was going to be a bad next day, haha. but it turned out to be all for naught.
But still, I wanted to just spend the evening relaxing just to ensure I'm back to 100% for the wedding, with no hint of this pretty-sure-it-was-brought-on-by-work-stress-and-not-eating-as-great-as-I-have-been-this-week when the wedding rolls around. :)
Instead, I got here and Kelli and I decided to do a little cleaning, and then it was ten o clock. But this place looks about as great as it can in its unfinished state. It's exciting :D And a lot less stressful to walk around, haha. A lot less of this walking passed a lot of unfinished projects all throughout the place, hahah. So that was good. It took a while but it flew by. I'm happy with the progress we've made. It's very nearly a home! All it's missing is Kelli :P
Ooook I'm going to bed. ONE HUNDRED DAYS wow
Oh and I haven't commented on it but once on here, but seriously, Trevecca is making a huge mistake in selling WNAZ. They final decision hasn't been made yet. A couple of kids who used to be big fans of The Evening Blend started a fan page titled simply "The Resistance Against the Sale of 89.1 WNAZ" If you're on facebook, please join it! Really, our only hope at this point is for the news to get so wide spread (Trevecca tried to keep the whole thing quiet but...yeah right, haha) that enough people voice their opposition, resulting in a reevaluation of their inevitable decision here. From everything I've been told, the situation is really bleak. So. That place has been such a big part of my life for the last two years almost. It'd be so weird for it to just...be gone. It's been at that school for over 40 years. I just don't get it. I don't get it.
But still, I wanted to just spend the evening relaxing just to ensure I'm back to 100% for the wedding, with no hint of this pretty-sure-it-was-brought-on-by-work-stress-and-not-eating-as-great-as-I-have-been-this-week when the wedding rolls around. :)
Instead, I got here and Kelli and I decided to do a little cleaning, and then it was ten o clock. But this place looks about as great as it can in its unfinished state. It's exciting :D And a lot less stressful to walk around, haha. A lot less of this walking passed a lot of unfinished projects all throughout the place, hahah. So that was good. It took a while but it flew by. I'm happy with the progress we've made. It's very nearly a home! All it's missing is Kelli :P
Ooook I'm going to bed. ONE HUNDRED DAYS wow
Oh and I haven't commented on it but once on here, but seriously, Trevecca is making a huge mistake in selling WNAZ. They final decision hasn't been made yet. A couple of kids who used to be big fans of The Evening Blend started a fan page titled simply "The Resistance Against the Sale of 89.1 WNAZ" If you're on facebook, please join it! Really, our only hope at this point is for the news to get so wide spread (Trevecca tried to keep the whole thing quiet but...yeah right, haha) that enough people voice their opposition, resulting in a reevaluation of their inevitable decision here. From everything I've been told, the situation is really bleak. So. That place has been such a big part of my life for the last two years almost. It'd be so weird for it to just...be gone. It's been at that school for over 40 years. I just don't get it. I don't get it.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Day 099 (Or: Two years and two weeks)
Two years ago tonight, I asked Kelli Ranae Feener out. Years of will-they-won't-they were finally answered. It's been a great two years. This post won't do anything justice because I'm exhausted.
I'm glad I'm starting to feel a little cold coming on now instead of in two weeks, haha. TWO WEEKS. That's when I'm getting married :D Two weeks from right now, we'll be husband and wife. Ahhhhh it was all we could talk about today.
So I was driving on our date day today, but Kelli was mapping the path. She took me north of the Tennessee border into Kentucky! BUT WHAT WERE WE DOING THERE?
Mammoth Cave? The National Corvette Museum? Abraham Lincoln Memorial Expressway? We kept passing everything that looked like something Kelli might try to surprise me with...but then.... one mile from the exit...there was a sign for....
DINOSAUR WORLD. It. was. awesome. Kelli knows me so well. I had such a blast... it was the perfect day. I'd expound but seriously I just need to get to sleep. Suffice it to say, today was perfect. I'm so thrilled Kelli surprised me so well with something so out of left field that I absolutely enjoyed.
Anyways, day trips with Kelli are probably my favorite thing in the whole world. We always make an adventure out of it. And it was fun going out of the state just the two of us for the first time :P even if it wasn't even two hours away.
Okay praying that tomorrow this stuffiness will be GONE. I don't need to start feeling like dump now... I have to train people at work on how to use the system we use for Master Control so things'll run smoothly when we're on the honeymoon.
And for those of you that read this that are my mother, I took the pills you gave me today OKAY?!?!? :P I love you.
And two years :) Man what an adventure.
Weekly Weigh In: 148 lbs. Honestly I think this is about where I'm going to stay now.
I'm glad I'm starting to feel a little cold coming on now instead of in two weeks, haha. TWO WEEKS. That's when I'm getting married :D Two weeks from right now, we'll be husband and wife. Ahhhhh it was all we could talk about today.
So I was driving on our date day today, but Kelli was mapping the path. She took me north of the Tennessee border into Kentucky! BUT WHAT WERE WE DOING THERE?
Mammoth Cave? The National Corvette Museum? Abraham Lincoln Memorial Expressway? We kept passing everything that looked like something Kelli might try to surprise me with...but then.... one mile from the exit...there was a sign for....
DINOSAUR WORLD. It. was. awesome. Kelli knows me so well. I had such a blast... it was the perfect day. I'd expound but seriously I just need to get to sleep. Suffice it to say, today was perfect. I'm so thrilled Kelli surprised me so well with something so out of left field that I absolutely enjoyed.
Anyways, day trips with Kelli are probably my favorite thing in the whole world. We always make an adventure out of it. And it was fun going out of the state just the two of us for the first time :P even if it wasn't even two hours away.
Okay praying that tomorrow this stuffiness will be GONE. I don't need to start feeling like dump now... I have to train people at work on how to use the system we use for Master Control so things'll run smoothly when we're on the honeymoon.
And for those of you that read this that are my mother, I took the pills you gave me today OKAY?!?!? :P I love you.
And two years :) Man what an adventure.
Weekly Weigh In: 148 lbs. Honestly I think this is about where I'm going to stay now.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Day 098 (Or: Moving, moving, moving)
I woke up to a call from the tv station that we were off the air. Thankfully it was taken care of quickly and not a big deal. But I didn't get back to sleep.
I'm so exhausted. Kelli gave me some melatonin tonight so I can sleep for a long time, haha.
Well anyways, today was busy. I went over to Erika Bengtson's family's house and helped them move some of their grandma's stuff into their house. I got a free treadmill and book shelf out of it ;P. After that, dad came over to the house and helped me get the treadmill inside. It took a while, but we did it. Then he left and I went over to the Feener's while I had the truck to get Kelli's desk from her family's house. But once I got there, I just decided to dismantle her bed and get that taken care of too. i probably shouldn't have done that alone, but. Anyways, so I got her bed into our town house for our 2nd bedroom YES!
There's still so much to put together and organize and do, man. Oh my Lord. I just need like a week off from everything so we can figure it out. It'll be easier once Kelli and I are actually living there and stuff isn't just strewn everywhere because there's no place for it yet.
Anyways, once the Feener's got back into town tonight, I went over there, and Kelli and I went grocery shopping for our (secret) 2 year anniversary date tomorrow. I don't know what Kelli's got planned, but apparently I'm going to love it. :P So I'm really excited.
I'm so exhausted. Kelli gave me some melatonin tonight so I can sleep for a long time, haha.
Well anyways, today was busy. I went over to Erika Bengtson's family's house and helped them move some of their grandma's stuff into their house. I got a free treadmill and book shelf out of it ;P. After that, dad came over to the house and helped me get the treadmill inside. It took a while, but we did it. Then he left and I went over to the Feener's while I had the truck to get Kelli's desk from her family's house. But once I got there, I just decided to dismantle her bed and get that taken care of too. i probably shouldn't have done that alone, but. Anyways, so I got her bed into our town house for our 2nd bedroom YES!
There's still so much to put together and organize and do, man. Oh my Lord. I just need like a week off from everything so we can figure it out. It'll be easier once Kelli and I are actually living there and stuff isn't just strewn everywhere because there's no place for it yet.
Anyways, once the Feener's got back into town tonight, I went over there, and Kelli and I went grocery shopping for our (secret) 2 year anniversary date tomorrow. I don't know what Kelli's got planned, but apparently I'm going to love it. :P So I'm really excited.
Day 097 (Or: My heart is in Bristol)
This was the first pleasant day of work all week. Everyone was fianlly in a good mood all at the same time, so that was very, very nice :D.
All of the Feener's went to Bristol to drop Joshie off at King college. I miss them. One of them in particular. They'll be back late Saturday night, I think.
After work, I tried to organize Kelli's bedroom at her family's house to kind of help her start packing. But I couldn't figure out where to start. So I just started moving big furniture out. I somehow fit a dresser into the little Taurus all by myself. And then got it into our new house all by myself. That was really dumb, but I did it.
Anyways, then I came home and just bummed around the rest of the night with my family. Very good :)
All of the Feener's went to Bristol to drop Joshie off at King college. I miss them. One of them in particular. They'll be back late Saturday night, I think.
After work, I tried to organize Kelli's bedroom at her family's house to kind of help her start packing. But I couldn't figure out where to start. So I just started moving big furniture out. I somehow fit a dresser into the little Taurus all by myself. And then got it into our new house all by myself. That was really dumb, but I did it.
Anyways, then I came home and just bummed around the rest of the night with my family. Very good :)
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Day 096 (Or: The much better one)
Today started poorly, but ended wonderfully.
Remnants of yesterday lingered, but by day's end, all was resolved.
A co-worker called me to apologize for making my life stressful. It was muchly appreciated. I'm hoping work will be smooth from now until I leave for the honeymoon. It's going to be crazy though because I'm still the only one there that can efficiently run the system that all of our programming is currently running on. So I've got 2 weeks to get a few people all the way trained. We'll see how that goes. I'm happy it's very nearly the weekend :P
Kelli was an angel today. Pull of grace and patience and love. When I got home after work, she was cooking me some INCREDIBLE cooked potatoes with carrots and garlic cloves. It was so so so very good. Kelli is an excellent aspiring cook. I'm so happy I get to be the guinea pig ;)
Went to the Musgroves for a little bit tonight. Caiden is getting so big. It's so nuts that my oldest friend and I are getting married within nine days of each other. So nuts how that just worked out that way. I love it. Anyways, Bethany and Shad and I talked wedding stuff :)
Oh the RCA 4-in-1 switcher thing FINALLY came! YESSS so I'm trying to get all the video game systems set up. I made a little progress tonight. Oh well, that'll be something I try to accomplish this weekend.
Wow, nearly one in the morning. Goodnight.
Remnants of yesterday lingered, but by day's end, all was resolved.
A co-worker called me to apologize for making my life stressful. It was muchly appreciated. I'm hoping work will be smooth from now until I leave for the honeymoon. It's going to be crazy though because I'm still the only one there that can efficiently run the system that all of our programming is currently running on. So I've got 2 weeks to get a few people all the way trained. We'll see how that goes. I'm happy it's very nearly the weekend :P
Kelli was an angel today. Pull of grace and patience and love. When I got home after work, she was cooking me some INCREDIBLE cooked potatoes with carrots and garlic cloves. It was so so so very good. Kelli is an excellent aspiring cook. I'm so happy I get to be the guinea pig ;)
Went to the Musgroves for a little bit tonight. Caiden is getting so big. It's so nuts that my oldest friend and I are getting married within nine days of each other. So nuts how that just worked out that way. I love it. Anyways, Bethany and Shad and I talked wedding stuff :)
Oh the RCA 4-in-1 switcher thing FINALLY came! YESSS so I'm trying to get all the video game systems set up. I made a little progress tonight. Oh well, that'll be something I try to accomplish this weekend.
Wow, nearly one in the morning. Goodnight.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Day 095 (Or: The not so good one)
Work was stressful. I'll leave it at that. And it'll remain stressful for a while, I'm pretty sure.
And it's supposed to be on the down low, but it's all over facebook now so- Trevecca is probably selling WNAZ. There's a growing resistance. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. So that hit me harder today than it probably should have. But, it did nonetheless. I had finally gotten to a point where I could speak positively about my very-recent-alma-mater. But.
Anyways, so those two things dominated my mind today.
But, on the plus side:
My little brother placed 4th in his race tonight, wearing his new Cumberland jersey to boot. I couldn't be more proud of him. He's doing so well.
Grocery shopping with Kelli is one of my very favorite things to do.
The Xbox came and it is fuuuuuuuuuuun. :) I'm fighting the urge to stay up all night playing it.
But alas, I must go to sleep so I can wake up tomorrow and do it all over again.
When we get married, I'm locking the door and turning off the phone for a good month. And I'm just going to sit. And hang out with my wife. And read books and play video games and fall asleep together and cook fun meals. And no one is invited.
Work was stressful. I'll leave it at that. And it'll remain stressful for a while, I'm pretty sure.
And it's supposed to be on the down low, but it's all over facebook now so- Trevecca is probably selling WNAZ. There's a growing resistance. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. So that hit me harder today than it probably should have. But, it did nonetheless. I had finally gotten to a point where I could speak positively about my very-recent-alma-mater. But.
Anyways, so those two things dominated my mind today.
But, on the plus side:
My little brother placed 4th in his race tonight, wearing his new Cumberland jersey to boot. I couldn't be more proud of him. He's doing so well.
Grocery shopping with Kelli is one of my very favorite things to do.
The Xbox came and it is fuuuuuuuuuuun. :) I'm fighting the urge to stay up all night playing it.
But alas, I must go to sleep so I can wake up tomorrow and do it all over again.
When we get married, I'm locking the door and turning off the phone for a good month. And I'm just going to sit. And hang out with my wife. And read books and play video games and fall asleep together and cook fun meals. And no one is invited.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Day 094 (Or: Training Programs)
Today at work, I trained my manager on all the ins and outs of the system I use to run master control. I guess she just wants to know how to use it in case there is an issue while I'm gone on our honeymoon. It makes sense. And she picked it up quick. I have a really cool manager who is really approachable and isn't like most managers I hear people talking about, hahah. I'm very thankful for her! And I also trained our engineer on the same thing at the end of the day. Training training training. It's kinda funny because I've only been there for 7 or 8 months and I'm training everyone there on how to use the new system we're on because I'm the only one who has really used it, haha.
After work, wedding programs. That was literally it all night. And. It's going to be a multi-day ordeal. We didn't even get through half of them. We're doing everything cheaply and creatively for this wedding, but at the cost of time, haha. Everything for the wedding is very time consuming. SO. But it was fun. My brother and sister came over to the Feener's, so they and Alex helped Kelli and I out. It was a good time. We watched like 100 episodes of Veronica Mars while we did it :)
AND my mom and sister picked Kelli out some dresses at Ross today and Kelli just tried them on so I could see them and oh. my. goodness. she is a knock out in red. It is unbelievable how pretty Kelli Feener is in red. Literally destroyed.
I feel so lame wanting to complain about how slowly time feels like it's going right now. The wedding is only 19 days away hahah. Come on Josh. Get it together! I still have to write my vows hmmmmmmmmmmm
After work, wedding programs. That was literally it all night. And. It's going to be a multi-day ordeal. We didn't even get through half of them. We're doing everything cheaply and creatively for this wedding, but at the cost of time, haha. Everything for the wedding is very time consuming. SO. But it was fun. My brother and sister came over to the Feener's, so they and Alex helped Kelli and I out. It was a good time. We watched like 100 episodes of Veronica Mars while we did it :)
AND my mom and sister picked Kelli out some dresses at Ross today and Kelli just tried them on so I could see them and oh. my. goodness. she is a knock out in red. It is unbelievable how pretty Kelli Feener is in red. Literally destroyed.
I feel so lame wanting to complain about how slowly time feels like it's going right now. The wedding is only 19 days away hahah. Come on Josh. Get it together! I still have to write my vows hmmmmmmmmmmm
Monday, August 9, 2010
Day 093 (Or: Arcade Fire!)
Whew I'm just now getting my ears back. Nuts. I don't think I've ever been to something so loud.
But it was good! Arcade Fire puts on a great show. And it was really fun getting a night out with my siblings. I wish Kelli could have come but it's her brother's bday today, so :)
It's shaping up to be a really busy week, it turns out. MEH. So close........... come on. So much to do still, I guess.
The Bengtson's are giving us their grandma's old treadmill SWEET!!!! Just straight giving it to us. So I'm two for two on asking for stuff via Facebook statuses hahaha. (We're getting Age of Empires 2 that way as well :P) And unless someone comes through on a Vitamix for Kelli, she's a distant oh-for-one. Boom.
I'm so tired from last night going to the station. Wimp. I've been tired all day. I'm going to sleep.
But it was good! Arcade Fire puts on a great show. And it was really fun getting a night out with my siblings. I wish Kelli could have come but it's her brother's bday today, so :)
It's shaping up to be a really busy week, it turns out. MEH. So close........... come on. So much to do still, I guess.
The Bengtson's are giving us their grandma's old treadmill SWEET!!!! Just straight giving it to us. So I'm two for two on asking for stuff via Facebook statuses hahaha. (We're getting Age of Empires 2 that way as well :P) And unless someone comes through on a Vitamix for Kelli, she's a distant oh-for-one. Boom.
I'm so tired from last night going to the station. Wimp. I've been tired all day. I'm going to sleep.
Day 092 (Or: long productive tiring fun tiring)
Yesterday was really, really nice. Kelli and I got a lot done, including moving out bed frame into the town house, with the help of her parents. Turns out it's really flimsy (It's only ever been a fixture in model homes)... so Mr. Stan said next week he'll try and see what he can do with it.
So we did that, and we took stuff back to Target and Walmart that we'd been meaning to take care of for weeks now. So that was good! That was kind of looming...
I bought an Xbox 360 because I found one on ebay with 100 bucks. And my family has old xbox games that I still like, so. Just. Buying stuff now that I know I won't buy once I'm married, hahah. I'm pretty excited, not gonna lie.
So we accomplished much. Nothing really wedding wise, which we were talking about yesterday- we're doing all this stuff to get our home ready, and we've sort of neglected wedding planning, hahah. Home stuff is way more fun anyway. Wedding stuff is just stressful.
But yesterday was really fun. I really enjoyed it. It was a great weekend.
Then at the end of the night, I sat down to write this post, and turned on CTN.... and it was off the air. And it was midnight. So...I drove over to work to get us back up. It's a win lose. On one hand, it's super cool to see a TV station in black, and be the one who gets to fix that, haha. But on the other hand....... it was midnight. So. Whatever. I live a blessed life. I'm just very tired today.
Oh yeah and Weekly Weigh In: 148 lbs. But I weighed myself Saturday and I was 146. So. We'll go with Saturdays and say I lost 2 pounds. But even then, I'm not exercising so I'm probably just losing muscle. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
That was yesterday :)
So we did that, and we took stuff back to Target and Walmart that we'd been meaning to take care of for weeks now. So that was good! That was kind of looming...
I bought an Xbox 360 because I found one on ebay with 100 bucks. And my family has old xbox games that I still like, so. Just. Buying stuff now that I know I won't buy once I'm married, hahah. I'm pretty excited, not gonna lie.
So we accomplished much. Nothing really wedding wise, which we were talking about yesterday- we're doing all this stuff to get our home ready, and we've sort of neglected wedding planning, hahah. Home stuff is way more fun anyway. Wedding stuff is just stressful.
But yesterday was really fun. I really enjoyed it. It was a great weekend.
Then at the end of the night, I sat down to write this post, and turned on CTN.... and it was off the air. And it was midnight. So...I drove over to work to get us back up. It's a win lose. On one hand, it's super cool to see a TV station in black, and be the one who gets to fix that, haha. But on the other hand....... it was midnight. So. Whatever. I live a blessed life. I'm just very tired today.
Oh yeah and Weekly Weigh In: 148 lbs. But I weighed myself Saturday and I was 146. So. We'll go with Saturdays and say I lost 2 pounds. But even then, I'm not exercising so I'm probably just losing muscle. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
That was yesterday :)
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Day 091 (Or: Literally the best day of the week)
Nothing much to report today. Shouldn't we be like getting all kinds of last minute wedding stuff finished? I'm..guessing that mad dash will start here shortly.
Kelli had a headache yesterday AND today :(. So we didn't get to hang out all that much... I mostly just goofed off, biked, played video games, went to the arcade, etc. I was at the town house for a little bit :D. Made Kelli breakfast when she woke up! BEING MARRIED IS GOING TO BE FUN
That's about it. I just showed Kelli how cool Time Crisis is.
And I think it's funny how I'm getting back into (leisurely) enjoying playing video games again, now that we're getting married. It's like the four years I was in college I always thought "Man it'd be fun to play that game" or "man it'd be fun to go through that game again" etc. So it's kinda fun. And Kelli likes playing some of the stuff too, so that's cool.
Anyways, it's really nice being with the family for the weekend. And I'm happy Kelli's over here.
Gertin' close.
Kelli had a headache yesterday AND today :(. So we didn't get to hang out all that much... I mostly just goofed off, biked, played video games, went to the arcade, etc. I was at the town house for a little bit :D. Made Kelli breakfast when she woke up! BEING MARRIED IS GOING TO BE FUN
That's about it. I just showed Kelli how cool Time Crisis is.
And I think it's funny how I'm getting back into (leisurely) enjoying playing video games again, now that we're getting married. It's like the four years I was in college I always thought "Man it'd be fun to play that game" or "man it'd be fun to go through that game again" etc. So it's kinda fun. And Kelli likes playing some of the stuff too, so that's cool.
Anyways, it's really nice being with the family for the weekend. And I'm happy Kelli's over here.
Gertin' close.
Day 090 (Or: The complete ensemble)
Alright I got some dress shoes. I guess I just need a belt now. I forgot about that. But I have what I'm wearing for the wedding :D So that feels really good... and it looks pretty good too.
I didn't do much else this day. I'm at my family's house for the weekend. I played some video games and stuff. Hoping to get a lot done this weekend.
I didn't do much else this day. I'm at my family's house for the weekend. I played some video games and stuff. Hoping to get a lot done this weekend.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Day 089 (Or: Are days even happening anymore?)
Oh my lord it's like an elaborate limbo. Days come and days go...none of it is anything like what it will be.... it's just this elaborate limbo. By the way, since seeing Inception, I have had two dreams that I would not have been able to have before I saw it. Like levels of dreams that I can control and stuff like that. So neat man.
Nothing really happened today. Kelli came over for breakfast, so she waved from the door as I drove off to work, and then she was at the house when I got back from work. So that was a taste of things to come. I liked it.
We went to my family's house for dinner. Met Jessica Doss' BOY. He's cool. We liked him.
Turns out I was right about what was wrong with Kelli's car which was pretty rewarding... so she's car-less for another day or so? So we're borrowing my family's '93 taurus. The one I drove around for years. I drove it to the Feener's just a few minutes ago. Felt so good. That is THE car. If I write songs about my childhood when I'm older, I'll sing about how good that car was, and all the memories attached to it.
Friiiiiiiiiiday. Is bittersweet. Because I get to go back to my family's house for the weekend, but Kelli's working literally the entire day so I don't get to see her at all. Win lose. Win lose......
But this is what...the third to last weekend before the wedding. God. Please.
Nothing really happened today. Kelli came over for breakfast, so she waved from the door as I drove off to work, and then she was at the house when I got back from work. So that was a taste of things to come. I liked it.
We went to my family's house for dinner. Met Jessica Doss' BOY. He's cool. We liked him.
Turns out I was right about what was wrong with Kelli's car which was pretty rewarding... so she's car-less for another day or so? So we're borrowing my family's '93 taurus. The one I drove around for years. I drove it to the Feener's just a few minutes ago. Felt so good. That is THE car. If I write songs about my childhood when I'm older, I'll sing about how good that car was, and all the memories attached to it.
Friiiiiiiiiiday. Is bittersweet. Because I get to go back to my family's house for the weekend, but Kelli's working literally the entire day so I don't get to see her at all. Win lose. Win lose......
But this is what...the third to last weekend before the wedding. God. Please.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Day 088 (Or: Thank you, thank you very much)
I've got all kinds of fun records lately :D. House of Heroes "Suburba" and (DON'T JUDGE) Linkin Park "Meteora" came today :P. Pretty fun.
And initial reactions indicate that I am LOVING Arcade Fire's "The Suburbs"..can't wait to see them on Monday THAT'S GONNA BE GOOD
Got off work and Kelli was here at the town house doing patent drawings. She's picked it up so well so quick. So we tested our toaster oven with some salmon and had our first official "dinner" here our on the back porch. It was good :)
And then we went to the Feener's and wrote lots and lots of thank you notes :D It was fun. We watched Liar Liar whilst we did it because Kelli had never seen it.
And Kelli's car is at the shop because it won't start. I just want to take it to a mechanic and say "please don't cut corners and please don't do it cheap. just please fix this vehicle because we're about to get married and i don't want to worry about it breaking down at any given moment or putting a quart of oil in it every week when she barely drives it anywhere in the first place." That'd be good.
To bed? To bed.
I also think it's important to note how important this video has become in our lives. I want to play it at the wedding but what would they say?
And initial reactions indicate that I am LOVING Arcade Fire's "The Suburbs"..can't wait to see them on Monday THAT'S GONNA BE GOOD
Got off work and Kelli was here at the town house doing patent drawings. She's picked it up so well so quick. So we tested our toaster oven with some salmon and had our first official "dinner" here our on the back porch. It was good :)
And then we went to the Feener's and wrote lots and lots of thank you notes :D It was fun. We watched Liar Liar whilst we did it because Kelli had never seen it.
And Kelli's car is at the shop because it won't start. I just want to take it to a mechanic and say "please don't cut corners and please don't do it cheap. just please fix this vehicle because we're about to get married and i don't want to worry about it breaking down at any given moment or putting a quart of oil in it every week when she barely drives it anywhere in the first place." That'd be good.
To bed? To bed.
I also think it's important to note how important this video has become in our lives. I want to play it at the wedding but what would they say?
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Day 087 (Or: IS IT DONE????)
I THINK EVERYTHING THE GUYS ARE WEARING IS FINALLY SETTLED ON. Anyone following this drama will be very disappointed to find out that what the guys are wearing is actually pretty...normal. I guess it's sorta like a "wait this took a month of drama to figure out?" YES ok it's just how it turned out. But it's done now. Well, I need to go buy some dress shoes. But I mean, the facebook messages letting all the groomsmen know what's up have been sent off.
I have been enjoying work a lot this week. Kelli prayed over me Sunday night that things would become less stressful there, and that I'd be able to have a good attitude, and that's exactly how it's been, so. :) Yeah, very very thankful for that!
Being alone at the town house is still really lame, but it's not like this :( :( :( that it was initially. I'm just used to being in a house populated with people ALL the time. I was very very rarely at my parent's house alone, ever. So. Just an adjustment. But in 26 days, it'll be all over anyways, so. :P
We had other stuff we meant to accomplish today, but the guys' clothes took over the evening. Oh well. That's what Wednesday is for. And we're overjoyed to have ALL the clothes finally figured out. Man what the mess. The ladies' clothing was a huge freaking ordeal, and then the mens' just took a really long time to get sorted out. So. All done now. Thanks to Miss Barbara at JC Penny for all the help and kindness tonight. Sorry we didn't sign up for a Penny's credit card.
Mmmmmmmmmk. Another day done.
I have been enjoying work a lot this week. Kelli prayed over me Sunday night that things would become less stressful there, and that I'd be able to have a good attitude, and that's exactly how it's been, so. :) Yeah, very very thankful for that!
Being alone at the town house is still really lame, but it's not like this :( :( :( that it was initially. I'm just used to being in a house populated with people ALL the time. I was very very rarely at my parent's house alone, ever. So. Just an adjustment. But in 26 days, it'll be all over anyways, so. :P
We had other stuff we meant to accomplish today, but the guys' clothes took over the evening. Oh well. That's what Wednesday is for. And we're overjoyed to have ALL the clothes finally figured out. Man what the mess. The ladies' clothing was a huge freaking ordeal, and then the mens' just took a really long time to get sorted out. So. All done now. Thanks to Miss Barbara at JC Penny for all the help and kindness tonight. Sorry we didn't sign up for a Penny's credit card.
Mmmmmmmmmk. Another day done.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Day 086 (Or: The stress-relieving one)
Work lately has honestly been kind of stressful. But I got to sit down today with my manager and get everything worked out. It was wonderful. I love the people I work with, and Pastor Monica is the best manager I've ever worked under. She had a lot on her plate but deals with it all with grace and kindness. I'm very thankful for this time that the Lord has me placed in that position.
Kelli and I shot this incredible video yesterday. It's a tour of the town house for those that have talked about wanting to see what it looks like. It's actually pretty trippy to watch if you've been there before because the mac does that whole "mirror image" thing with the video, so everything is in the opposite direction as you see it here, but it gives you an idea of what we're working with :) We love it.
Kelli and I shot this incredible video yesterday. It's a tour of the town house for those that have talked about wanting to see what it looks like. It's actually pretty trippy to watch if you've been there before because the mac does that whole "mirror image" thing with the video, so everything is in the opposite direction as you see it here, but it gives you an idea of what we're working with :) We love it.
So work was great, now Kelli and I are just hanging out because she worked all day and so did I. We reaaaally really need to go find a tie so that we'll be done with the guys' attire for the wedding. Oh, I don't even remember if I mentioned on here, but like 8 or so days ago, we ordered what I'm gonna wear. And then we decided the color wasn't going to work, and then re-decided we were going to just go with it anyway. So. Hopefully it'll be here tomorrow :) I look like a stud.
OK OK OK movie time! 27 more days to go-- It's almost crunch time man. We're enjoying delaying everything we have left to do, thank you very much.
Oh yeah so I'm going to do that thing where I write a scripture verse at the end of my blog ETERNALLY TRENDY
Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
-1 Cor. 15:58
OK OK OK movie time! 27 more days to go-- It's almost crunch time man. We're enjoying delaying everything we have left to do, thank you very much.
Oh yeah so I'm going to do that thing where I write a scripture verse at the end of my blog ETERNALLY TRENDY
Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
-1 Cor. 15:58
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Day 085 (Another weekend concludes.)
BYE, weekend. :( But HELLO only 4 weeks until the WEDDING :D
Kelli and I spent a lot of today organizing the town house, so that felt really good. It's still a mess, but it's a much cleaner mess, haha. And Dad sent me a patent drawing so I could show Kelli how to do it and she did THREE FIGURES OF IT I was incredibly proud of her :D That's be great if she could work from home, I know she'd enjoy it. WHO WOULDN'T.
Oh, other than that, not much for today. Kelli's a really good listener and a wonderful friend to me. There's that too :)
Weekly Weigh In: 148 lbs. I forgot to weigh myself before breakfast, but that's what I weighed an hour after. So no change this week. But I biked like a baller today. Rode up Brantley in gear six WHAT DID HE SAY
Oh, other than that, not much for today. Kelli's a really good listener and a wonderful friend to me. There's that too :)
Weekly Weigh In: 148 lbs. I forgot to weigh myself before breakfast, but that's what I weighed an hour after. So no change this week. But I biked like a baller today. Rode up Brantley in gear six WHAT DID HE SAY
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